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1 year after break up of a 5 year relationship

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Right well it's been nearly a year since I broke up with my childhood sweetheart who I started going out with when I was 14 ending at 19.


I still think about her everyday? I think I still love her? I still dream about her every night.


I met up with her about 3 weeks ago. When I asked whether she was seeing anyone she replied with "yes". But she hasn't gone facebook official or told her dad. However I still don't think their is any prospect of us getting back together.


I've had another relationship which lasted 3 months. We broke up about a month ago. Not quite sure where the relationship went wrong. She ended it with me saying I was "too nice". I don't believe at all though.


I want to stop thinking about her all the time. Stop loving her. I miss her so much.


How do I make it stop?

Edited by rob12
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You cannot stop your feelings. I broke up with my highschool sweetheart, or rather, he broke up with me. We dated almost five years and we were planning to get married in a few years. And I miss him. Even after ALL the fights, I am so in love with him. I dream of him, I dream of us. And I'm happy in my dreams. The rest of my days I spend hurting every single second I am thinking of him. The only thing we can do is hang on.


In the end, if it is meant to be, it will happen and no one will be able to stop it.

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Which is why you should not hang on, you need to get over your ex's pick yourself up improve your life and be open to new and exciting things.


Hanging on will kill you slowly inside, if you allow yourself to be open to new experiences the next right step in your life will come along and that's a promise.

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