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Was it wrong to say we were just dating?

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Hi There,


I just a few questions. When I first started dating my girlfriend, about a 1.5 months in, we weren't very serious (ie hadn't kissed, no "i love you" exchanged) just some 2nd base, 3rd base material. We were really good friends before we started dating, so for both of us it was really hard to get over the whole "good friends" barrier. We agreed that we would try dating first and then if things were good we would become a couple eventually. At first I just didn't feel that strong of a connection and did not feel that we were a serious item. When someone asked me if I was with anyone, I just said I was dating and that it wasnt serious. Because at that time (1.5 months in of us dating) we weren't a couple and I just didn't feel that strong of a connection. Was it wrong of me to say that? I mean is it wrong that I didn't really disclose that I was dating someone? I mean im totally in love with her now, but at first things were rocky. And for awhile she told me that she didn't really know what to tell people as well and that she didn't really disclose what we were either.


Thanks for any advice!

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You just said what it was! You were just dating and it sounds like your gf understands anyway, I wouldn't worry about it.

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Yeah, seems like you guys have a mutual understanding that it wasn't anything serious..just dating. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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