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Girlfriend upset over something I did in the past...

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Her issue with strip clubs is just that. HER ISSUE. Not yours. She's entitled to her opinion, certainly, but she is NOT entitled for a moment to berate you, belittle you, or otherwise treat you like shyt over a choice YOU made before she even met you. And an apology? HELL no. If you apologize for that just to keep the relationship, she'll have your balls in a mason jar for the rest of your time with her.


I agree with the others: this is likely to keep coming up, in various forms, again and again.


If you want to try to save the relationship, you need to tell her firmly that you are not going to apologize for things you did before you knew her, and that the subject is no longer open for discussion. Period. Stand your ground, regardless of what she says. How she reacts will determine whether or not you should stay in the relationship.

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I understand her issue with strip clubs. But she is out of line if you haven't gone to strip clubs while with her.


Now if you have, then I understand her being pissed at you. But sounds like you haven't so she needs to chill or lose you.

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