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Random numbers in the cell phone.........

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I have been dating my girlfriend for 2+ years and we are living together preparing to get engaged. Things were good until I used her cell phone (in front of her) and found numbers in her phone that were not local with different area codes. I began to snoop then and when she was asleep I wrote the numbers down and did a lookup. They were other cell numbers w/out the name attached. I called the numbers and they were both men on both of the numbers. I even heard them calling and she just shuts the phone off. I know she is talking to them and not meeting them yet, but it could move further. I don't know how to tell her I know what she is up to w/out her knowing I went through her cell phone. I don't want to ruin the best thing I got going on. I need some advice on this. I have the ring paid for and I was waiting until next month. Should I be worried? Help me out!!!!

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Snooping is always a bad idea. You either find something that is evil, or you think something innocent is evil and get all worked up over nothing. Perhaps these men are family members, or friends of family, or simply friends that she has spoken to before on some occasions. You will never know until you confront her about your insecurities over it.


Of course, she'll become angry that you snooped, but if you have concerns you need to discuss these things with her.

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I think you should speak to her about it. She might be a little p.o.'d, but you've got to get it off your chest.


I'm a girl, if it makes you feel any better, I have a bunch of random numbers on my cell phone...people I haven't called in years, ex-coworkers whose number I needed only once, people I interviewed with and didn't want to lose the number, Old landlords, my girlfriend's boyfriend (to get ahold of her). If my bf looked through my cell phone, I guess he would wonder who all these people are. :D But it's totally innocent!

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well this girl my bf works with texts him, yesterday i heard his phone beep, so i looked...it said : miss u


so i was like hmmmm...so i looked through some of the other text he had, one was saying you wanna meet for drinks....


well he knew i was looking...so i was like ohhh Marrah misses you!


he asked if i was jealous, i said yes, how would he feel if some guy from my work said that on my phone.


anyway he was like oh she is harmless.


well i do know the girl, she is nice, and i know she has a d!ckwad bf that she doesnot have the best relationship with.


so yeah, i am very suspect!

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Talk to your girlfriend about this.... they could be just acquaintances or family members or co-workers, like HoldOn said.

I too have many random numbers of guys on my cell phone.


I don't see why she should have a problems with your snooping. I don't think many people would be bothered by it unless they have something to hide or you have a past of going through their things.

But she is probably going to be upset if you tell her you called those guys.

Try just telling her you noticed those numbers and ask her whose numbers they are.


besides I think that if she was interested in those guys and had something to hide she would have never let you use her cell phone...she would have erased the numbers first.

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I think that if she was interested in those guys and had something to hide she would have never let you use her cell phone...she would have erased the numbers first.



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Snooping is very bad! It's a violation and shows you have lost trust in her. Have you asked her about the men? Have you told her you went snooping? Have you asked her how she feels in your relationship? Is she happy? Do you still feel in love?



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