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Did I miss my chance?


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I've been friends with this guy for over 3 years. When I first met him I was in the middle of an ugly break up with my ex. I think this guy fell for me but since my ex and I have children together I was doing the best I could to make it work but the relationship was ruined with abuse. Anyways, this guy and I have remained friends the last 3 years. He works out of the country 6 months out of the year and we always get together for dinner, a drink, movies, etc. He's always invited me on vacations to anywhere in the world but I haven't gone because of work and my children. I really like this guy. REALLY. Nothing more than kissing has ever occurred.


I'm confused because last week he asked me why I stopped taking his calls and I told him I really like him and I don't think he realizes how much I do. I told him I stopped taking his calls because he's always saying we're platonic friends, just friends. After telling him how much I like him, he said he was shocked, when did this happen, and he was flattered. Nevertheless I'm still in the same mysterious situation regarding his feelings about me. I'm not saying this in a conceded way but I'm a good woman. I make over 6 figures and I'm a very gorgeous woman. Should I let this go? Or wait? How many guys kiss women for 3 years, invite them on vacations around the world introduce you to some of his family then say we're platonic friends?

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How much time you're willing to give this depends on a few things, including whether you're willing to involve yourself with a man who is out of the country for half the year. Do you also want to be with someone who sends mixed messages? Does the kissing happen when you're both drunk? It's strange there's make out sessions then he pleads the friends thing.

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Bumpin in My Trunk

Idk what to say. The best I can tell you is that personally, I wouldn't give someone the time of day if they are out of the country for half of a year. A lot can happen in 6 months

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