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is that realy a little stuff???


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hallo, i've been through the hell for the last 5m.


i've been trying to regain my 3j relationship and realy i was successful. but after i did my job, i can't accept it why i did that? why i didn't leave him to go??


because i coudn't forgive him for what he done.


we had a 4 weeks breakup, and during this time he went to the woman, which he knows her on the internet, during our breakup and spend the night. I don't want to go deep to say what happened in this night, but i know that the worst happened i mean the worst to me.


now, I want to leave. Something has happened to me emotionally. i don't care the way i used to. i understand why he did what he did and why it happenes, it is very natural to be attracted to other woman. I know but it is just that I don't think I can accept it - or the fact that the situation is what it is because it why should i stay with the man which i can't fill the full comfortation. i love him but love doesn't mean you have to heart your self to be with somebody.


I realy feel sorry i wish if i could forgive him. Do u think that with the time i will forgive him. Friends are telling me, this is not the reason to leave somebody.


but i think this is not a little stuff. for me can't handle with it. most of the time i think about it. and i start making sex alone so that i woudn't be with him because i'm in need of sex. I feel realy bad. i don't know what to do still we live in the same Appartnment, and he is realy doing his best so that the relationship work.

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If he was being so friendly with someone on the Internet while he was in a relationship with you...that he could call her during the breakup and go spend the night with her...then I feel he was being emotionally disloyal to you before the break up.


A man who has that kind of relationship going on the Internet while he is with you simply cannot be trusted. A man who can run right out and sleep with a lady when the two of you are having problems, in my opinion, has some problems of his own.


If he is having these kinds of relationships on the Internet, and considering that it will be very difficult for you to gain back the trust you once had, I think you have no choice but to leave. You could ask him to stop the Internet thing but if he is addicted, he will continue without your knowledge.


Your relationship does not seem to be a pleasant one now and you seem too sweet to deserve this kind of treatment. He is being very nice now out of guilt...but I'll bet you he still has the Internet thing going on.


You need a guy who will be kind to you and loyal to you because those are the values, ethics and morals he has, not because he feels guilty. A guy who carries on with women on the Internet and uses them to get back at you is a low life scumbag. If you don't know what that is in your country, it is the lowest form of humanity.


You absolutely deserve better than this.

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Hi Tony, do you know, he told me that he search the woman after we had a breakup and he told me he did that after a breakup, i know 3j he was realy a very loyal man sometimes wenn i ask myself i think i'm the one who drive him for that. Because i didn't give him the attention, that he had to have. i was working the 13h a day. You know we both came from university and we start our carrier right now. i'm not defending him never at all what he done will never excause that.


so both of us were busy. and i coudn't give him what a man realy needs. i know that, but now i'm ready to give him i know i can give him but the probleme is i can't forget what happened to go forward. i CAN'T. It is realy terror and bad feeling, wenn ever i wnat to kiss him i see the woman in him.


it is realy terrible. Do you think there is any possiblity so that we can save the relationship or it is just wasting time.

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The decision is yours. Over a period of time, if you stop thinking about this episode, things can change. It's all basically up to you.


This is really a test of your relationship. If the problems that caused the break up originally have been solved and you feel like you can take the time to get over this trust issue, it may work. It will just take some time and your boyfriend will have to understand.


I think he is a low class jerk for saying anything to you about this and wanting to hurt you so badly.


Your boyfriend should write a book on how to get on the Internet and find a woman to quickly to go bed with. If he will give you half the profits to compensate you for your pain, you could end up a very rich lady.

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