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Needing good for getting my ex back.


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I talked to my ex-girlfriend from years ago on the phone the other day. I admitted to her all of wrongful things that I've done to her (she did some things too in revenge, which is cool we were young) and apologized. We were both alot younger when we were together (teenagers), plus she had a child in the mix also. I always treated her child as if she were my own. We also lived together. I was just young and caught up in running the streets and never realizing what I had at home, she didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated her. Talking to her the other day brought alot of the good memories we shared with each other back to mind. A close family member of mine had seen her at a store recently and they talked for a while about her and I. He told me how her eyes had a glow in them when he told her how I still have feelings for her and that I'm always talking about her.


So now with both of us being adults and her having two more children, even if we never get back together, I just want to be her friend again. I want to right my wrongs and show her I'm a different person by not just telling her, but by my actions. I work a steady job now, I'm in the process of going back to school, and I would love for her to be a part of my dreams. We can both motivate each other. I really love this woman, but I know that she still has her guard up, which I can understand completely, because I know that I'm the main cause of it. I would love to get back into good graces with her. Suggestions on how anyone??

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It sounds like you already made a good start by acknowledging the things you did wrong and apologizing for them. Many people don't even get that far. And it sounds like you've got the right attitude, wanting to show her with your actions that you've changed.


But now comes the hard part, if you want her back in your life: you have a long road ahead of you in rebuilding her trust in you. Don't get ahead of yourself thinking how great it would be to have her in your life again. She may decide she doesn't want that, no matter what you do.


Keep a good focus on your job and school and achieving those dreams -- that right there will show her you are a different person. Many women, especially if they have children, want a man who consistently shows he's reliable. When you plan something, follow through on it. When you make a promise, keep it. It's difficult to be more specific than that, because those are things you'll need to do in hundreds of different ways every day. And it's not just about being reliable with her -- you'll need to do the same for others, because she'll be watching to see if you've really changed or if you're just acting like a good guy to get her back.


Start with small steps and don't push things. If she's open to meeting you for coffee or lunch, you might ask her to do that. I don't know what specific things would work best, because I don't truly know your particular situation and how she feels about it. It may sound corny, but you might want to check out some self-help books on mending broken relationships and rebuilding trust -- there might be some good examples that relate your situation. Good luck!

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