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Looking older or younger than your actual age

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Approaching 44 and EVERYONE that has ever been curious about my age do not place me beyond my mid-30s. Yay!

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I went to some chain restaurant last year for dinner, I forget where but not that it matters. That made me 41 for those that missed my age. I ordered a beer with my dinner, the 20ish waitress asked me to see ID, and I burst out into laughter. Didn't mean to do it or offend her, I was just thinking double down on 21 and I'm legal babe. She did get a bit offended, so when I started to get a grip on the laughter I said sorry it's just that I haven't been carded in ages and it shocked me. With that she replied with a defensively toned well I'm supposed to ID anyone that looks 30 or under. Round 2 of the uncontrollable laughter ensued.

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I'm 28, and I don't really look much older than 18-19. Which kind of sucks because I'm trying to get into the "date older men" scene, and I kind of look like a child. So either, 1. the guy I'm with will have to be OK looking like a pedophile, or 2. I cross my fingers and hope to meet a guy who will be more mature than his age (yeah right).


I get carded for alcohol, I was even carded at Walmart trying to buy a Rated R DVD. (No jokes). Stupid woman didn't even believe I was 18. I was like are you kidding me with this? She didn't even crack a smile but demanded my ID.


I can't WAIT until I get married and get pregnant... then I'll get the..."OMIGOD you're so young to be tied down!" or I'll get the looks of disdain for being a pregnant teenager.

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