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My friend is playing with fire

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I have a friend, we'll call her Robin. She's a gay woman who dated someone for a little over a year. They had a very stormy breakup causing my friend much pain and destruction to herself.


She recently became friendly with this woman again.

My friend is obsessed with her.


Now it seems every other week, this woman 'kicks her to the curb'.


This woman is toxic to my friend. Quite frankly, I'm tired of telling her the same thing over and over to no avail.


Any responses would be appreciated and I plan to forward them to my friend. She does not use this board.

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Unfortunately, from what I have seen, love and obsession can only be reversed by the people experiencing them.


All you can do is to continue to offer your support, and honest opinions telling her that this woman is not good for her.


I know it sucks.


Good luck to you.



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