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Share your successful friends becoming lovers stories

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Let's hear your SUCCESSFUL friends becoming lovers stories. I don't have one, but would really like to hear some to boost my confidence. I bet some other people would really like to read this too. Thanks.

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My BF and I have known each other for 10 years. We went to school tog, had similar friends, and oddly enough moved to another state at the same time. We were friendly but b/c of other relationships- never looked at each other in a romantic nature. Then this past New Year we attended a party tog- and have been inseperable ever since. We moved in together 5 months ago and plan to marry when he finishes college. :love:


I would like to mention that we weren't CLOSE friends before we started dating. Just very friendly aquaintances. Close friends become a bit androgamous to me- I just can't imagine seeing anything romantic about them.


I'm not sure if that's the type of story you wanted to hear but it's the happiest story I could ever wish to live. :love::)

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I met my current boyfriend working at my part-time job in September of 2002 and it just so happened that our full-time jobs were literally one building away from one another. He also grew up only two towns away from me and we happened to know a lot of the same people.


I was single when he met, but he was engaged and very unhappy. We became fast friends and start e-mailing and calling one another and because he had a fiance I seriously NEVER looked at him in a romantic light at all. He was just a good friend of mine. It wasn't until December (he broke up with his fiance in November) that I started to feel something more there. We always had this strong connection from when we first met but I could feel it turning from platonic to something more.


Evenutally I could not deny my feeling for him any longer. I ditched my boyfriend at the time and started dating him and it was the best move I have ever made. We've been together a year and a half now and living together for 7 months and it's been the happiest time of my life. We are so in love and will eventually get married. I couldn't have been a luckier girl!

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My female best friend and her now fiance have known each other since we were 12 (he's was my neighbor) for years they were just friends he was kind of like our older brother looking out for us in school and what not, then about 2 years ago she broke up with her boyfriend and drove to my parents place where she knew I was to come tell me so we could do the typical break up stuff, sit there and cry etc. Well when she got there he was outside his parents place and saw she was upset, comforted her a little bit and well have pretty much been together ever since.

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