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So, on this Atkins shananigans...

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you know how they say ppl on low carb diets like atkins develop bad breath...and in my experience with people who do this diet...it's extremely bad breath.


Like a combination of BO and Morning Breath, then amplified 4 times.


Now, question is...if someone is say a vegetarian...do you think they just get hit more by the smell? Do you think it smells faint to a meat eater?


yeah, low carb breath...that's some nasty funk :sick:

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I think people with smaller penis's have a more powerful sense of smell. :p


Sorry, Dude!


But there is such a thing as "too much information." ;)

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I share cuz I lovez...I prefer to say it's a mini compact...not small :D ...nah, it's small...eeeh I'm a nut


sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I don't...almond joy's got nuts, mounds don't...

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damn...I just remembered...while goofing on this subject...someone posted a link to penis sizes and the like. The article used snackfoods to compare penises and used candy.


I am a tootsie roll...the small kind :D

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I remember reading Shogun and being struck by the Japanese heroine remarking often on how the gaijin smelled bad because he ate so much meat.


The bad breath is caused by ketosis.

Also, in diets containing fewer than 130 grams of carbohydrates, ketosis occurs and your body starts breaking down muscle and lean tissue to provide glucose for brain and nerve fuel.

http://www.dietitian.com/faddiet.html (you have to scroll down to read about ketosis)


Unhealthy metabolic state (ketosis). Low carb diets can cause your body to go into a dangerous metabolic state called ketosis since your body burns fat instead of glucose for energy. During ketosis, the body forms substances known as ketones, which can cause organs to fail and result in gout, kidney stones, or kidney failure. Ketones can also dull a person's appetite, cause nausea and bad breath. Ketosis is prevented by eating at least 100 grams of carbohydrates a day.


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Need I remind you all that regardless of size, all these...............ahem... "bars," (if swallowed) will contribute heavily to the FDA's recommended dietary allowance for carbohydrate consumption.


Of course, eating "meat," or even "knawing on cheese," contributes almost nothing, ........................................................


even if swallowing is allowed.

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