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I need to find the right words

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I started seeing this guy about four months ago, we have a bunch of mutual friends. When we first started hanging out, we spent all our free time together and all we did was laugh and started liking each other a lot. Things got pretty serious and we were exclusive. He even told me "you deserve real, true love and I'm going to love you one day". In the following weeks he started pulling back, we weren't seeing each other as much. I didn't worry about it until it became obvious that I hadn't seen him in awhile, things between us were a little awkward. At one point we stopped seeing each other, didn't talk for a week or so. We then started mending things, he came back and apologized for acting the way he did and he realized I care about him so he didn't want to make me look like a fool and he deeply cared for me. We just started hanging out again and it's the random things he says that I'm not sure what to do with...he reassures me he isn't interested in anyone else, he asks what I'm doing or how I am, tells me that his best friend has never liked one of his girl friends until me, says he really likes me, we go to the beach, kiss sometimes...but sometimes dont talk or respond to each others text, and I am weary of him romantically because of how he's acted before so I've put a guard up. He thinks "every guy" is after me and I could have anyone. I show him how I feel mostly by my actions, but I don't say much because I'm afraid. And the funny thing is, is he sees that and said once that I don't admit to my feelings and act shy and scared. Which is completely true. We have a lot of fun together and talk about everything, except for our feelings for each other. I want him so bad and could see myself loving him with my whole heart but I don't know how to go about it.


So my question is, is he trying to get my feelings out of me and that's why we havent moved forward? I know I'm doing something wrong. I want to talk to him and tell him how I feel, that I want a commitment. I don't want to "hang out" for the next three years and never build something more. I need suggestions!

Edited by ScarlettAlexis
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