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Is she interested or not?

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Hi guys, this is my first post so be nice.


I started a new job 3 weeks ago and there's this girl I've met at work and she's stunning, she has the personality to match too. Now I've never really felt the way I feel right now about a girl.


Basically I can't figure out if she likes me back! Sorry for sounding like a little mopey teenager, but she is so hard to read. From what I've seen she seems very friendly, but at times flirty. She says hello in a higher tone of voice, kind of in a funny voice, as if to say she's happy to see me. She keeps mentioning the new make-up she has on and complimenting my cologne. From what I've seen she seems to be very confident around everyone, but maybe a little more so towards me, but I cannot pluck up the courage to do anything back because I work with her. If she's not interested and I try and take it further than friendship then it will cause some rather awkward situations in the work place which I really don't want.


It's been 7 months since I left my ex and I've never felt this way about a girl before. I'm not losing sleep over her or stalking her facebook, but I do really want this to go past friendship.


Please keep in mind I'm pretty terrible with women when it comes to reading signs, and I'm forever getting planted into the friend-zone because I'm always worried of ruining the friendship if she doesn't want a relationship.


Sorry if this is the wrong section, or the wrong forum all together, but I was hoping you peeps could help. Is there anything I can do to find out if she likes me, or anything I should look out for that guarantees me a shot?


P.S. I'm aware it's very early, I've not even known her a month, but I still want to ask if there's anything I should look out for.

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It sounds like your chances are pretty good. If you don't want to end up in the friend zone again...it's pretty simple. Ask her out. Otherwise, you'll never know. Be brave...put on some of that cologne she likes and go for it. Confidence is attractive.


Good luck!

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It sounds like your chances are pretty good. If you don't want to end up in the friend zone again...it's pretty simple. Ask her out. Otherwise, you'll never know. Be brave...put on some of that cologne she likes and go for it. Confidence is attractive.


Good luck!


Thanks for your reply. :)


Do you think if I waited a little longer that I would be risking not being quick enough? I really don't want it to be awkward at work so I want to be certain lol. :o

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I think you are ok to wait a little longer, but it seems like maybe that is your pattern. Instead of finding reasons NOT to ask her...look at the reasons you should.


And the only way things will be awkward is if you let them. The absolute worst thing that can happen is she says no. In that case, you have your answers and can focus on being in a friendship.


No one on here is going to be able to predict this outcome for you. No one else knows what this girl is thinking. Just go for it!

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So I've made some progress. While in work a few days ago she actually invited me to go see a movie at the cinema, a movie she's already seen. This was pretty much my green light so I decided to throw in some blatant signals and left it at that and said I will sort out a day for the cinema. I thought that it was pretty much guaranteed she liked me and it was just up to me to make the first move, so the next day I decided I was going to make the move, BUT just as I plucked up the courage to ask her she all of a sudden said that her friend is trying to set her up with someone that works with her, which I kinda know about, but this stopped me in my tracks.


I've been told that as soon as a girl mentions another guy that it pretty much means it's game over for you. Anybody got some advice? I'm not experienced in this field, so I'm not sure if it was a way of her telling me I should hurry up, or if she genuinely isn't interested in me.



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I think she's just being friendly since your the new person at work. Its not a good idea to date someone from work especially since you just started there. She can report you to HR for harassment and you'll get the boot right away! But if you want to ask her out, do it very discreetly and off hours! Its also a good idea to wait a little longer.

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