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p.s. to Tony


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You are obviously a loving and welcome break from the marriage he wants to remain in. I'm sure he appreciates you making yourself available for that purpose. You could continue this for a long time if you want. Ultimately, he will call it off once he has sufficiently used you.


I know what he is doing. I'm a man. It isn't pretty. There are lots of men I know personally who at different times have done the same thing this guy is doing to you. They are married to women they have no intentions of leaving...many of their wives are even pregnant...and they use every line in the book, every technique including romantic telephone calls, flowers, candy, etc., to entice another woman to engage in an extramarital affair. It's just an exciting thing to do.


A man will seldom feel very good about a woman who will grant him time, companionship, love and sex when she clearly knows she is interfering with his marriage...even though it was his idea. I am telling you this as a man...and you won't hear this truth many places because keeping this secret is how men get their mistresses to stick around a long time.

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