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Some questions about religion

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Look at that! Half way to 100! Yay!!! :D:D:D


I don't have pets.. I can't. I live in an apartment. Both my dad and my grandparents have dogs though. I'm a dog lover. One of the dogs that lives with my grandparents is a german shepard. She's HUGE!!! I'm 5'3 and when she stands on her hind legs she's about two inches taller than I am. But I love her, she's one of the best dogs ever :)

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By the way... I just wanted to say that you guys are awesome! Hehe.. I've had so much fun posting on this thread the past few days! I always look forward to reading it when I sign online, mostly because I'm not quite sure what we're going to be posting about today!! :D

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Whooo hooo! Feeling ghostly.


I shouldn't have posted that stupid, "hauntings" thing. I think I stirred up something somewhere. When Wil and I got home from work the kittens were both up on the couch with their fur puffed out and eyes wide. Normally, they are REALLY nice kitties, and when we tried to pick them up, they hissed. We tried to put them down on the floor, but everytime we did, they just ran back up on the top of the couch.


Then, when one of the kittens ran past me, I SWEAR I saw man out of the corner of my eye. Hrmm... Well, I'm not going to think about that now. Hrmph.


I dunno. Faye says that cats are on LSD most of the time, anyway. lol. ;-)


Maybe I'm on LSD.




Who knows? Whatever. I don't care anymore. It's friday, and I love jumping bunnies!!!!


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So, is it a herd of bunnies? A gaggle of rabbits? ;-)

I know that rabbits live in a warren... that's what I've heard the underground mass of tunnels, used for safety and nesting, are called. Yay, Watership Down! Such a great animated movie. Such a freakin' cool book. :-)

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clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...















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Caught up on my sleep last night so today I have energy to truly apply myself to doing absolutely NO WORK! Yesterday I goofed and accidently answered an e-mail BUT we'll be having none of that lack of willpower today kids!! ;)

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Honestly... I have nothing to say. I just wanted to be the 60th post on here.



I think that the light from the computer screen is slowly melting my brain. ;-)







*does the bunny dance*

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Hrmmm... Faye, are you sure you're not a Mountaineer? you do that whole "YEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWWW!" thing too well. ha ha ha!


I'm going out in the country this weekend. I plan to meditate like hell. lol. Wait...I think that attitude defeats the purpose.

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Hrmmm... Faye, are you sure you're not a Mountaineer? you do that whole "YEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWWW!" thing too well. ha ha ha!


I'm going out in the country this weekend. I plan to meditate like hell. lol. Wait...I think that attitude defeats the purpose.

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:laugh: What's great is you KNOW I came here looking to talk about religion.


Should homosexual bunnies marry?

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lOL. I don't know how that posted twice, but considering the attitude here, I'm sure that no one will say anything. lol.







Wont be any bunnies for me this weekend! Well, if there ARE any bunnies, I feel bad for them. My boyfriend's mother's boyfriend (lol) raises blood hounds and black and tan coon hounds.


I get to go to a place with pretty hills, trees, clean air... *I'm so very excited*


doin' the bunny dance. :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:

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I think that if a homosexual bunny meets a homosexual bunny of the same sex and they want to have sex and get married... well... shoot. I dunno...

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Should homosexual bunnies marry?


Sure!!!!!!! It's a FREE COUNTRY, the bunnies can do as they wish, at least here in California ;) !!!



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Originally posted by naive_2001

Sure!!!!!!! It's a FREE COUNTRY, the bunnies can do as they wish, at least here in California ;) !!!



But doesn't that debase the value of heterosexual bunny nuptials?

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But doesn't that debase the value of heterosexual bunny nuptials?


How so? It doesn't mean the same if it's two bunnies of the same sex? Love is love. A promise is a promise. If a male bunny can love a female bunny why can't he love a male bunny just as intensely?


With all the hatred and suffering in the world I don't see why it's such a bad thing for two bunnies to love each other. Regardless of which sex they are. At least they're not contributing to the population. :D

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Oh, hogwash!


Bunny matrimony is at the core of bunny society--to stand for marriage is to stand for values! What are we going to teach the future bunnies? That it's okay to just breed like bunnies with other bunnies buns? Aren't we trying to produce more bunnies? The future of bunnies is at risk.

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Oh, hogwash!


Bunny matrimony is at the core of bunny society--to stand for marriage is to stand for values! What are we going to teach the future bunnies? That it's okay to just breed like bunnies with other bunnies buns? Aren't we trying to produce more bunnies? The future of bunnies is at risk.


There re enough bunnies to go around :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:


You see?

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Originally posted by Olivia_19742004

How so? It doesn't mean the same if it's two bunnies of the same sex? Love is love. A promise is a promise. If a male bunny can love a female bunny why can't he love a male bunny just as intensely?

With all the hatred and suffering in the world I don't see why it's such a bad thing for two bunnies to love each other. Regardless of which sex they are. At least they're not contributing to the population. :D


I agree. Marriage isn't supposed to be about sex. It's supposed to signify your love for someone no matter what your sexual orientation. Those are the values I will teach future bunnies.


Why should we teach future bunnies to look down on and even hate those who are in love just because they happen to be of the same sex??

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