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I think he's loosing interest in me.

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Me and my boyfriend have been goin out for almost 2 months. He use to tell me he loved me all the time and he would call everyday sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. But just recently he's stopped sayin I love you as much and he dousn't call as much either. We hardly ever get to see each other any more. I had a talk with him about it and he said that he still loved me and we weren't fixin to break up and he was sorry for not callin as much but that he had just been busy. My problem is I don't know if he's just tellin me that to be nice or if he really means it. I really love him and I don't know what i would do with out him. What I really need is a guys opion. Thank you!!

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Me and my boyfriend have been goin out for almost 2 months. He use to tell me he loved me all the time and he would call everyday sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. But just recently he's stopped sayin I love you as much and he dousn't call as much either. We hardly ever get to see each other any more. I had a talk with him about it and he said that he still loved me and we weren't fixin to break up and he was sorry for not callin as much but that he had just been busy. My problem is I don't know if he's just tellin me that to be nice or if he really means it. I really love him and I don't know what i would do with out him. What I really need is a guys opion. Thank you!!






When you first began your relationship with your boyfriend, things were new and exciting for you both. I'm sure you both felt strongly towards each other and continuously expressed your feelings. Now that two months have gone by, perhaps that feeling of "newness" has dwindled leaving you feel like something that once was there is missing. Perhaps you can rekindle that intensity by learning more about each other and spending time doing things you both enjoy. Most importantly, if you feel that something's wrong, continue to talk to him about it. Don't have " a talk " ... just constantly be in communication with him, as he should be with you too. If you take the lead and let him know how you're feeling about your life, or your relationship, or whatever, most likely he'll follow suit and be more open to you as well. Best wishes to you!






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