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There are no datable men in my city

Eternal Sunshine

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Everyone knows all the cool Americans live in the Midwest.

Oh god no. The midwest is what the deep south would be if they ever read a book and took a bath.

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California is beautiful, but it's ridiculously expensive in the more desirable areas. Plus, the state government is bankrupt.


Huh? No, it's not. We struggle, but we're not bankrupt.

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It's just a matter of time. . . ;)

Governments can't go bankrupt. They can become so in debt it would cripple any other entity yet keep on chugging. Only companies and individuals go bankrupt.

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A small number of city governments in California have recently filed for bankruptcy protection. One, San Bernardino, which is expecting to file chapter 9 presently, is in the area I suggested the OP visit, the Los Angeles area. We're expecting many more over the next year. Hopefully, Jerry (Brown, the governor) can keep the state under control, and solvent. I think we're the 8th largest economy in the world right now.


On second thought, perhaps visiting somewhere else might be a better idea ;)

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Ruby Slippers
Ha Ruby, you remembered my star sign!

I have this special connection with Sadges, I think because my moon is in Sag (that's the emotional part). So even though I'm a sappy, sensitive Cancer, that Sag moon gives me a wide streak of adventure. :D


Yes, I very much enjoy travelling. I lived in 3 different countries and each move changed my life in just about every way imaginable :)

Very nice :)

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Actually, this doesn't have all that much to do with men. I love the idea of living in a different country, experiencing different culture and meeting new people. I don't have anything that particularly ties me down here. I have no kids, this is not my home city. My group of friends has basically fallen apart (they either got married or moved away). My career has been stagnating and I would be looking for a new job anyway, beginning next year or so.. So why not do it in another country? The thought makes me feel excited and happy :bunny:


Then get your ass in gear and get moving. 'Cause I don't want to see you on here in a few months living in the same place bitchin' about the same things.


I will tell you to STFU if that happens.


Good Luck!

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Everyone knows all the cool Americans live in the Midwest.


That they do:cool:


That doesn't mean that we all want to stay here. ;)

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Just date short, fat, bald men if looks don't matter to you.


Otherwise, find some foreign boyfriend from russia, asia, or south america.

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Then get your ass in gear and get moving. 'Cause I don't want to see you on here in a few months living in the same place bitchin' about the same things.


No, she will be living in San Francisco complaining that all the men are gay. :laugh:


Since women in the Midwest are considered less than desirable (according to many men), she'd actually have the pick of the litter if she moved to Chicago or St. Louis or any Texas city. Austin is supposed to have a thriving economy.


In California she'd be competing with hordes of gorgeous wannabe actresses and other women looking for rich men. She'd have to bleach her hair blonde and get extensions so she looks like a Real Housewife. California is nice if you are a tourist but you wouldn't wanna live there.

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I've often thought of importing a boyfriend from the midwest. I guess technically I am in the midwest, but I was thinking some nice cornfed Iowa boy. :D

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Lonely Ronin
I guess technically I am in the midwest, but I was thinking some nice cornfed Iowa boy. :D

Trust me, PA is not the midwest.

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I've often thought of importing a boyfriend from the midwest. I guess technically I am in the midwest, but I was thinking some nice cornfed Iowa boy. :D


Two of the men I was drawn to on OKCupid, turned out to have been born in Iowa. Smart, well-educated, good-looking, and *funny*. They both had good manners - one more-so than the other, but they were both gentlemen. :love:

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