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Hi there,

I'm in a LDR with a guy i met about 3 months ago. We are so in love and i've met him repeatedly over that 3 months to a stage where when we are together it is absolute bliss.


He's a spiritual guy, into reading tarot, and calling spiritualists and he reads into a lot of stuff. Really reads into situations.


He has been telling me recently about the spiritual dark side of the Olympics and how he will not be buying into it, he is really against it, and the other night in a conversation on the phone with him he said to me 'Are you watching the Olympics?'


Rather than say, yes, the tv is on in the background, i lied and said no its my mum who is watching it in the other room. He quizzed me and quizzed me and finally i told him i was lying.


He is now distraught, saying he can't ever trust me again. I just didn't want to disappoint him because i thought he felt so strongly against it.


He has been really hurt with lies in the past in his previous relationship.


I understand that i have hurt him, and i have told him that i am willing to do all i need to, give him as much space as possible. He tells me he loves me and that i mean everything to him, but he's taken steps back in our relationship.


I know when i meet him in person again (we've been a part for a month! the longest is usually a week!) it will be ok, and the wounds will heal. I'm just sickened to the core.


I literally cried for 17 hours, and i don't know what else to do. I love him so much.

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What you can do is hope for the best that that didn't break you guys apart.


I learnt it the hard way myself. Always best to tell the truth, even if you feel the other person may not like it or want to hear it. After you say the truth, you explain to your SO so it would not seem like an insult or something.


Hope it will still work out for you both. And stop lying from now on. No matter what. If he can't deal with your truth, then something's really not right there.

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No sure of this is a troll post or not, if not then you shouldn't have lied about watching the Olympics, you can do what you want as long as it's harming nobody, there is no spiritual dark side to is, that's just ridiculous, I personally can't stand the Olympics, as millions of pounds were spent on it which could have been put to much better use such as helping people in poverty.


If you lied because you were worried about his reaction, then why would you want to be with someone who you feel you have to lie to?


He completely over reacted if he's distraught at the fact you lied about watching the Olympics :eek:






Hi there,

I'm in a LDR with a guy i met about 3 months ago. We are so in love and i've met him repeatedly over that 3 months to a stage where when we are together it is absolute bliss.


He's a spiritual guy, into reading tarot, and calling spiritualists and he reads into a lot of stuff. Really reads into situations.


He has been telling me recently about the spiritual dark side of the Olympics and how he will not be buying into it, he is really against it, and the other night in a conversation on the phone with him he said to me 'Are you watching the Olympics?'


Rather than say, yes, the tv is on in the background, i lied and said no its my mum who is watching it in the other room. He quizzed me and quizzed me and finally i told him i was lying.


He is now distraught, saying he can't ever trust me again. I just didn't want to disappoint him because i thought he felt so strongly against it.


He has been really hurt with lies in the past in his previous relationship.


I understand that i have hurt him, and i have told him that i am willing to do all i need to, give him as much space as possible. He tells me he loves me and that i mean everything to him, but he's taken steps back in our relationship.


I know when i meet him in person again (we've been a part for a month! the longest is usually a week!) it will be ok, and the wounds will heal. I'm just sickened to the core.


I literally cried for 17 hours, and i don't know what else to do. I love him so much.

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