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Younger guys

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Hello everyone:


I was just wondering if it's slightly silly for an older girl to like a younger guy. I would only be talking about a two year age difference (he's 19, I'm 21). I am not even close to being serious about him. I only know him from school but I think he's attractive. We're in a Creative Writing class together and I thought his writing was really clever so I took special notice of him. Then to my surprise, I found out he was younger than me. He looks like he's the same age as me, so go figure. But I was just trying to see if a two-year age difference would be "robbing the cradle." If I bothered to pursue this further, that is.


Thanks for reading.



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I see absolutely no problem whatsoever with the age difference. You should pursue him just like you would anyone else, if you are interested.


Should you remain with him for a very long time, when you are 100, he will be 98 and probably interested in chicks a lot younger. At that time, there may be a problem.

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