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Is he a cheater? How do I know?

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I'm in love! I think hes cheating! We have been together for almost 3 years. In the midst of our relationship (2 years in) he had another girlfriend on the low. I found out...not by him telling me but by her calling me. It broke my heart. When he found out i found out he didn't apologize to me or anything he just yelled at me for telling the "other" women that me and him were together. It turns out he wanted her...not me. He was afraid to tell me he sais...


3 months later he started calling me and aplogizing and telling me he just needed a break. He wants me back. I didn't know what to do. I decided to give him another chance. Basically now he kisses my butt. I don't know if that is because he feels bad and wants to make up for it, or because he is still cheating. When i call him and he is with his friends his friends girlfriends are there but he never invites me to come along...when i call him hes always out...and i hear girls in the back ground...and then sometimes he promises he will come over and he strolls in at midnight or later. Am I being naive? Is he cheating? How do I know?


Some one please help...what should i do?

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yeah, she's right...this guy is not a winner...throw him back, cast your line again, and say NO to his booty calls...

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Your first mistake was taking him back! Him cheating is reason alone to not have anything to do with him anymore.


Let's assume that he's saying the truth and he's a "good boy" now, which I doubt, you will never be able to trust him again because of what he did in the past, and when there's no trust there's no relationship.


Plus I believe that once a cheater always a cheater!


Open your eyes hon'............ He played you once he will do it again!!! His mentallity will probably be 'she forgave me once, she'll forgive me again"


Don't let him play you for a fool!

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" When a guy really loves you, wild horses can't keep them away," says my aunt Linda.


"They may not buy you roses often, they may not take you out and spend lots of money on you (especially if they're just trying to make their own way), but they will show you that they're true in other ways."


They will call when they say that they will.

They will come over when they say that they will.

THey will not be interested in having the company of other females in a romantic way.

They will respect your wishes.

THEY PUT YOU FIRST, relationship wise, anyway.


It's all about respect, girl. If they don't respect you, then they don't love you. Don't fall for a player just because he's kissing your rear. That means nothing. Guys will do alot of things for sex. If he respected you, he wouldn't be coming in to see you at midnight.


That's just a booty call, hon. If he's not spending day light hours with you, calling you regularly, and taking you out on dates (even cheap ones, like walks in the park, or eating at Burger King), then he's not interested in your mind or your heart.



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