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how to move on with u live with him?


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I need advice on how to have NC when we still live in the same house. My bf and I broke up about a week ago. I still love him and care for him deeply, but its time for me to move on. He is totally over me well atleast that's how he acts. we have been together for 1.5yrs and lived together the whole time we been in a relationship.


This was the first time i have ever lived with a bf before and I think thats what tore us apart. Being together everyday except for work or school. We argued about everything and every little thing. Now we're like roommates, but he completely ignores me and as soon as we broke up he recreated his facebook page and started talking to alot of girls the same day we broke up.


I don't understand how he could just disrespect me by trying to hook up with other people when it was the same day we broke up. We still could have gotten back together considering the fact that we live together. He doesn't see anything wrong with talking to other people because were broken up. I do because we still live together and I don't believe in disrespect him by trying to go out with other guys knowing that he is at home even if we're not together.


I cannot just turn off my feelings and act as though we were never together like he does after us living and being together for 1.5yrs. He wants me to kiss his butt and i don't understand why because he is the one that should kiss my butt since I pay all the bill and rent he does nothing, but lives here leeching off of me. I plan on moving out without telling him so that he would be stuck paying the rent on his own (which I know he cannot afford).


If i did this it would be mean, but he keeps telling me that he doesn't care if i move out or if he never sees me ever again....what should i do??



Edited by tryingtofindmyway24
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