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Is this ok

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I have this girlfriend who I am living with and am really crazy about. However there is one thing in our relationship that seems a bit unusual. On a number of occasions, she has asked if I would do her a favor by having sex with one of her friends. For what ever reason, be it they never had sex before and wanted to experience it for the first time, or be it they were feeling neglected by their current boyfriend, I’m asked to help them out. It's not that I don't enjoy having sex with them. She does have cute friends. It's just that I question whether this is healthy for a long term relationship with my girlfriend.


Looking for a bit of advise.



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This is highly unusual behavior. If your girlfriend is truly in love with you and asks you to do these things, she obviously trusts you a great deal, is completely devoid of the emotion of jealousy, and subscribes to ways of thinking that are rare in western society.


There are sects and religions, such as Mormonism, where a man may have a number of wives or lovers and they all seem to get along in harmony. There are other cultures, races, tribes, etc., where multiple lovers are permissible and no problems seem to arise.


Your girlfriend may be extremely confident in herself and very generous with your penis. She could be losing interest in you and trying to find others you might be interested in. She may take great pride in assisting her lady friends in becoming sexually gratified. She may be bragging about your sexual prowess and letting her friends bed you to prove her point (and yours.)


She could really hate you and be finding these girlfriends at the local AIDS clinic.


There is just no way of judging this because it is so off the wall from what is commonly accepted relationship behavior but there so many examples in societies around the world to rule it out as being totally insane.


You need to talk to her and see just where he head is at. You seem to be quite OK with this and, if you end up marrying her, you may have a lifetime of various sexual experiences outside your marriage with the complete blessing of your wife.


This is either the most ideal situation a man could ever possibly find himself in or the most insane. Personally, I would have this lady examined by three psychiatrists and make my final decision to stay or leave based on their findings. But you could screw up a good thing if you leave.


She could be waiting for you to display a bit of reciprocity by farming her out to your guy friends. After all, love is a two way street. If you care anything about your friends, you should have no problem lending your girlfriend to those who are virgin or have been without sex for a while. After all, that's what friends are for.


Hey, just let it go for now and don't stare a gift horse in the mouth. Until the situation causes problems for you or her incredibly open minded girlfriends, have at it. I can certainly understand why you are crazy about this lady. I am as well.


If you get double booked on any given evening, put up a post here for volunteers.


To answer your last question, NO, I do not think this is at all healthy for a long term relationship...but my opinion is quite biased because I am very jealous of your relationship. You are a pretty lucky stiff!!!


And, by the way, Don, you last name wouldn't happen to be Juan???

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What Tony said and by all means:




Figure out what the hell is going on here! This is odd.


But what REALLY has a hint of trouble is that she's bringing in friends who are having trouble with their boyfriends.


Hope to high heaven that you guys never have trouble because maybe one of her friends will be getting along with her boyfriend and ... he can serve as the "Don" for the evening.


And if I was one of her friends boyfriends, and we got back together and I eventually found out, I'd be hunting you down like a dog after I dumped her miserable arse.


But that's just me.


And to reiterate again for emphasis:



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As a woman, I never wanted to share my loved one with anyone, even if my hard-up and horny girlfriends asked me (which has happened a few times in the past). But maybe I am old-fashioned and up-tight.


I just reacted very strongly in a negative way to your posting and felt that this was too casual, like renting your penis out for the night. It doesn't take the intimacy and special bonding that happens between two people who are in love, into account. It's like sexual musical chairs. It's like you are a band-aid for her friends's problems. But it can only be a temporary solution.


Screwing someone's boyfriend really doesn't solve anyone's problems for the long term.

What Tony said and by all means: Ahhhhh!! Figure out what the hell is going on here! This is odd. But what REALLY has a hint of trouble is that she's bringing in friends who are having trouble with their boyfriends. Hope to high heaven that you guys never have trouble because maybe one of her friends will be getting along with her boyfriend and ... he can serve as the "Don" for the evening.


And if I was one of her friends boyfriends, and we got back together and I eventually found out, I'd be hunting you down like a dog after I dumped her miserable arse. But that's just me. And to reiterate again for emphasis: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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Buddy sure sex is good and all but you and your gf are going to get nowhere by doing this little thing. It so isn't your problem if her friends aren't gettin any or thier bf's are idiots. It makes me wonder about your gf feelings for you and yours for her. It doesn't matter if her friends are cute, it's just not right. I would seriously question the basis of your relationship. This is not healthy for a relationsip, yeah, people are different sexually and all that but c'mon now you can't possibly think this is right??

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