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dont know what to do

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dont know what to do

well i met this guy about a year ago and we have been going out since.And we kinda have a long distance realationship.


so now he says that i wanted to have a open one.so my friend was talking to him online and he said he had just been dumped.then when my friend confronted him and said it was my friend he said that i had told him to have a open rela.And then have been going out for a week and he never told me.so he said she dumped him.He hasn't told me yet and i dont want to email he because i want him to do the right thing and tell me.am i doing the right thing by not saying anything?????

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You need not say anything about this dumping incident but you better get the nature of your relationship real straight. I think it is unreasonable to expect to have a committed long distance relationship.


If the two of you never made a commitment to each other, he is well within his rights to see other people and he is wise not to give you the details. His dating outside of you is only his concern and not yours.


Only a man who is immature and trying to make a lady jealous might mention his other dating activities.


On the other hand, if the two of you have a clear understanding that you are only dating each other, by all means talk to him and let him know you're pissed. Otherwise, you have no right to bring this up to him. There would be no point and it would just embarass you and him and lower his opinion of you. You are a big girl now, act like one.

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