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Please help Im tempted to cheat on my GF!

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Ok, this has really been bugging me.


To know what its like to kiss another girl.


My girlfriend of over a year, was my first for everything. But she kissed several guys before me. And still I cant get over that. To me, kissing someone shows tremendous feeling for that person.....and she always tells me that when she kissed them it meant nothing, but i sorta want to find out for myself. There is this girl from my work that really likes me. And I want to go hang out with her, and eventually kiss. I know this sounds really bad.


But the big reason is probably this. Im a jealousy freak. And I was at work, looking forward to coming home and seeing my gf and then going to the fair with her. When I get home theres a note saying that she already left and I late found out she was with her one girlfriend and about 7 other guys the holeday. Of course, my imagination starts going off and I cant control it when it happens.


So the way I see it is, ok, if she can hang out with guys, then I can hang with girls alone....I doubt she kissed any of them....but still, I want to see how it is with another girl.....Im seriously planning on being with my current GF for the rest of my life....and the only way that she could find if I cheated on her was if i said something.....


Please someone give me advice, and no I wont break up with her, ever. Plus, I dont have any feelings for this girl at work...I just want to do it to see how it is....god this is hard to explain and I feel so stupid.


Thanks for listening.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!




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satisfy you? Why kiss someone else,it's not a big deal if feelings aren't involved.

I say stay with your gf if you are happy with her and value your relationship.

good luck

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If you want to keep your girlfriend, don't do it. It's simple really.


I would recommend that you spend time working on your self esteem, without hurting other people. You want to feel better about yourself by hurting your girlfriend? That's messed up.

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Grinning Maniac



I know where you're coming from. My first girlfriend had been with quite a few other guys before she met me. It always got to me a little, but I never cheated on her.


Don't let your feelings of inadequacy ruin a good thing. You do think your relationship with your girlfriend is a good thing, right? Because if you do, and cheat on her...it won't be anymore. She may never find out, but you'll always have it on your conscience that you betrayed her trust. It will rot things from the inside.


If you're really that concerned about your limited experience with women, then break up with her and play the field. But don't play around. That's not being any type of man but a weak one.



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If you're really that concerned about your limited experience with women, then break up with her and play the field. But don't play around. That's not being any type of man but a weak one.


Yes! I agree. Very well said, GM.


Please be careful, Johnny.



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Thanks all,


It's not that my girlfriend (Ashley) doesnt satisfy me, its just that....she got to know how things were being with someone else like that and I never have.....


Its not like i want to go off and have sex with another girl....its just that I want to see if things are the same with every girl...


This is so hard to explain...

ok look at it this way....


She can compare our relationships to her past relationships. And for her, im as good as it gets.


Me not being with anyone else like this but her, I dont know if this is as good as it gets.



God im so confused.

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Me not being with anyone else like this but her, I dont know if this is as good as it gets.


Then break up with her (and risk possibly not being able to come back), and see if it is as good as it gets. You don't have the luxury of fooling around, testing the waters, or experimenting anymore.


You know she would be hurt if she had any idea you were even thinking these things. Again, be careful.



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But thats the thing, I CANT BREAKUP WITH HER.




Yea I know, why would I think of these things then.


I just want to make sure that this IS as good as it gets because I want it to be.

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Grinning Maniac

Well...that's just what you give up when you enter a relationship. You can't have your cake and eat it too, mate.


Here's what I suggest. Just stay the course. You seem like you really love this girl. Why break her heart by cheating on her just so you can know what another girl's tongue feels like in your mouth? Chances are anyway that this relationship isn't permanent. Most aren't, despite what you're feeling at the time. That's a hard fact of life, but it's a fact of life regardless. So just hang in there. You'll probably get your chance to experiment some day. Just enjoy the fact that you DO have a girl in your life that you love and who I assume loves you back.


In the long run, that's more important than knowing a variety of tongues. ;)

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I don't think you understand our advice.


If you can't break up with her, then you have to have faith that it is as good as it gets for you right now, because you "love her so much".


If you can't shake these selfish feelings, then break up with her. I'm sure she doesn't want a boyfriend that doesn't know how amazing she is anyway.


My point:


You can't date her and fool around. You only have two options. Break up and kiss anyone you please, or be a faithful and loving boyfriend to her.



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She is an amazing girl.


And we will last forever. It sounds very childish to say this at age 16.


Ill give you a little background on us *cue violin*




I met Ashley four years ago at some girls house. I thought she was cute but seemed shy. At the time I was a follower in my group of friends. They didnt really like her because they thought she was annoying so I made myself not like her. Then at a dance for our school one of her friends came up to me and asked if i would dance with her. I did, and after the dance was over, we were a couple. LoL. Ahh, the 8th grade days...haha. We lasted about maybe two weeks which was good for our age. She was in love with me then, for real. But I wasnt. I broke up with her because I thought she was prude. Because when we danced I tried kissing her, but she hugged me instead. And a few other times she wouldnt kiss. We dated again about a year later after talkin off and on for a bit. This time it lasted two days. I dumped her again, because I thought she still liked her ex boyfriend because they had just broken up. She cried for days. I felt like such an a**h***. We stayed friends for another year. Then we got into an arguement one day which ended our friendship. When we began talking again I found out that she gave this kid head after he said they would go out (as a couple and stuff). Well it turns out he didnt want to date her, so he pretty much used her. Then I also later on found out about another guy in which she got felt up outside a movie theater and gave head to him as well. After I found this out my opinion of her totally changed, I thought she was a total slut and all. She sorta bragged to me that she did that. But only later I found out how much these events hurt her because of being used like that. Me saying she was prude got to her, she wanted to make me like her so she went and did this so I wouldnt make consider her prude and then date her. Im not saying that what she did was my fault, and shes not telling me it is either but she just didnt care what happend because she never thought she could have me again. We began hanging out again about 2 months after these events took place. She lives down the street by the way...... And there were days that she would just cry, and say things like "me seeing you everyday and knowing I cant have you, hurts me so much john you have no idea". When she told me that, I was like, maybe there is something here. Because this was after our first kiss together and everything. So I asked her out, she didnt believe me at first and began crying again when she realized I really wanted to go out with her. I then met most of her family through various camping trips and family get-to-gethers. Im 16 now, entering 12th grade in the fall...shes 15 turning 16 july 29th entering junior year in the fall. I can now say that Im actually in love with her. For the longest time I just said I was but I had yet to discover the meaning, and feeling of love for something other than family. We see eachother pretty much everyday which we both really enjoy, even a year and a month later. She tells me daily how much she really does love me and that she wants to spend the rest of her life with me, and I tell her the same and it just makes me think of things more realistically like about our life longterm, the bumps that may be ahead like me entering college and her being in high school still. Besides the fact that shes a very sensitive girl and carries on little things longer than they should be, jealousy on my part is the only problem that we really have. I love her to death and she knows that, my imagination just goes against me. Which leads me to think I need a help from a proffessional doctor of some sort. My friends, and her friends want a relationship like we have. They envy us in every aspect. Both of our familys agree that we will truly last forever even though most were very skeptic until recently they realized that we are inseperatable. Shes stunning, loyal, loving, cute, sexy, funny, ditsy, smart and just a wonderful person. More than what I could have asked for in a woman.


I just find it great when we can just lay down, and star into eachothers eyes and know how their feeling for you at that exact moment. For most couples we know, they stay together for sex and other types of benefits; sure we have sex and all but we can go weeks without it (not to say its bad cuz its amazing).


I love her and I cant picture myself in the future with anyone but her.


P.S. If you would like to make a movie out of this, please contact John.

Most may think, oh this is just a typical teenager love story; but I can assure you that this will last forever.



Thank you for taking your time to read this.






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I read it.


I can assure you that this will last forever.


Although you can't really assure anyone of that, when you have a relationship that you at least desire (at the time) to be in forever, that's as good as it gets for you at that point in your life.



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Nobody wanted to read my love story!?!?


Sorry, it was realllly long and had no paragraph breaks... Maybe you can fix it up. :D



Anyway, we could take a poll.


When you were 16, did you think your relationship would last forever? I did! :p Ooops, it's 11 years later and I haven't seen my high school bf since freshman year of college. I bet many many many people thought that... No offense! But you've got rose colored glasses on. :love:

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P.S. If you would like to make a movie out of this, please contact John.


LOL. ROFLMAO. Your story is not unique.


Most may think, oh this is just a typical teenager love story; but I can assure you that this will last forever.


You have treated this girl like utter crap.


When she grows up a little bit and realizes what a great, wonderful guy she can have, who won't log onto an Internet forum asking for permission to cheat on her so he can get more experience, she will moooove on and go to that guy.


Good luck, dude. She's young. In a year or two, she will develop her "feminine brains" and realize what a total dick you have been to her. And then you will be able to kiss and screw all the ladies you want! Look forward to that day, eh?

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Wow. I started reading the story for real this time....


I can't believe how many times you've dumped her! I also can't believe how many times your gf has given head to other guys! If you made a movie out of your story how many male extras would you have to hire? :confused:


Oooo. That was harsh. Sorry. Just want to you realize that your relationship is... I don't know... Just a high school one. Sorry buddy. I'm sure you and your girl will break up one day and then you'll be able to chase all the tail you want! :)


Don't worry so much, just enjoy the time you have with her. If you like her just leave this issue alone and get over it. Kissing other girls won't help you to get over it.

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I know of many people who have stayed together since high school, and they proved many people wrong as will we.


Yea I dumped her twice....um immaturity was big factor....I was in 8th grade and really didnt want to "settle" with just one girl for a long time, I guess I was committed then.


And she was used. Its obvious she was the guy went around spreading rumors after it happend and she hasnt talked to the other guy since.


But you guys have a right to your own opinion and I accept that.




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Hey, I just want to know why you flamed Eugenie for acting out the same things you've thought about.


I kind of agree with the bible on this advice (and to paraphrase) cheating in your thoughts is pretty much the same as cheating with your body.


Tell her what you're thinking and feeling. Who knows, she may be cool with it. *shrugs* I've seen stranger stuff happen.

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Also, do you like kevin smith movies? If you do, (good for you to have such great cinematic taste) check out "Chasing Amy." It'll be good for you.

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lol. and i didnt act out my thoughts.


it was just an option i contemplated about and chose not to take.

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