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Serious question for all: why cant women settle?

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Why is it that a woman(Any women good looking or flawed) refuses to settle for man that is within her league in terms of looks and status?


Why is it that women want the perfect looking man that'll make her the envy of her circle of friends? Its odd because, even women who are flawed themselves ONLY want men who look like the guy in my avatar?


I dont understand it at all, as most men are more than willing to settle for a woman in their league and are even willing to date below their league if the woman is super nice, but women CANNOT do this?



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oh god not this stupid thread again



Open your eyes, go outside. The overwhelming majority of couples feature people that are almost mirror images of each other

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oh god not this stupid thread again



Open your eyes, go outside. The overwhelming majority of couples feature people that are almost mirror images of each other


I think this might be a joke... and he is the guy in his avatar.


Which would make this thread go from ridiculous to hilarious in so many ways.

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It's either wolf, or someone similar.


I could ask the question, why do men settle then?


Call their bluff if you don't like it.

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I don't find this to be true at all.


Women settle more often than men in my experience. The threat of aging and impending lack of fertility makes us do this more often as we get older.


Upon first meeting someone in their league, or possibly even not quite in their league, a woman would think: "Okay, I can work with this."


I feel like a man would opt to hold out for something better/hotter/etc.

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You can say the same stuff about us males. It all depends. I think women are more likely to settle than men, at least at a younger age

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why cant women settle?



most men are more than willing to settle






You seem highly confused.



Women don't "settle"... because they DON'T HAVE TO...

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You can say the same stuff about us males. It all depends. I think women are more likely to settle than men, at least at a younger age


This is wrong on so many levels


Men arent as shallow as women. All that model talk is just bravado. when it comes down to it a man will settle with a normal woman.


If a woman is to settle, that guy HAD BETTER have status or money or else he's out. A woman would rather go celibate than settle. Theyde rather share the upper set of men than date a man in their league.


This is all due to male feminists refusing to accept that women want the HIGHEST VALUE mate they can get.


Look at all the women who would do anything for Justin beiber? Christiano ronaldos groupies? All the groupies sports stars have.


Where are Miley Cirus male groupies? Where are Serena Williams male groupies?


Women want the best, whether they are THE BEST or not. A woman could be a fat behemoth and still demand the guy in my avatar. Ive seen this.

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Huh? Women settle all the time. Look at most marriages lol.


IMO, men are more likely to settle for sex or just to be In a relationship women are more likely to settle in marriage.


Both genders settle a lot though

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Women who refuse to settle are simply not that interest in men to begin with. There are a good number of women with low sex drives or who generally don't like men or who are borderline asexual.


I like to use food as the analogy. If you are starving you will eat almost anything. When you are not that hungry you will be a lot more picky about what you eat. When you feel full, you will avoid food completely unless its something super rare that you will probably never get another chance to eat, like a Free Lobster tail sandwich from the top chef in the world. In that case, you'll eat it even if you're full.


So its the same with picky women. They are simply not that interested in dating. Most of their desire to date comes from family, social and society pressures which lead them to have ridiculous standards in order to have an excuse for their singleness. They BS everyone with "I just can't find a decent guy" when they really don't care if they find one.


At least that's my theory. Not claiming this to be a fact.


Not true. I have a higher sex drive than most women and I refuse to settle.:D

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I think this is a matter of not being immersed in the opposite gender. I'm a woman and I can say that my experiences with men have rivaled the experiences many men have with women: "They don't settle." I've even met men who are very morbidly obese who won't go out with me because I'm 'too fat' - and I'm OVERWEIGHT! The fact is, there are members of both sexes who do and don't settle.


At the very least, thank you for not another thread of, "ALL THE BEAUTIFUL/HOT WOMEN won't settle for an average Joe like me. I'm too good for those average and ugly women I run into. You know, the 90% that I pretend don't exist because I'm chasing supermodels all the time." That gets so tired and most threads started by men along the lines of "Why don't women settle?" are really "Why don't HOT women settle?"


I've 'settled' multiple times. First time was with a boyfriend who was marginally attractive. He was my age, he was tall. He was a huge jerk with a horrible, manipulative, controlling personality. He almost never worked (he had excuses lined up). I paid for everything and drove him everywhere - work, school, friends' houses. He tried to isolate me from my family and friends and was very jealous of my one-year-old cousin. I put up with that crap for more than a year.


More of that was low self-esteem than any sort of pseudo-happiness, however. I figured I couldn't do any better and that if I left him, I might be alone for the rest of my life.


Four months later, I started dating now-boyfriend. He had a decent job and a car - it wasn't that those were ALL that mattered to me, but after pulling all of that weight for so long with my first boyfriend, I was glad that my new boyfriend could at least meet me halfway.


I did settle in some regards. He's a little abrasive and quite stubborn. He's not as flexible in doing things that I enjoy as I am to partake in the things that he enjoys. He's not as assertive as I would have hoped for - I often have to take the lead. While I find myself VERY attracted to him...most folks would probably consider him at least a little 'beneath' me on the physical attractiveness scale.


But I'm sure he's settled some too: I'm sure he hoped for a thin girlfriend. A girlfriend with a better job, etc. The fact is, we all have to settle to some degree to settle down. Otherwise, we'd be looking forever.


I'm happy with the way I 'settled.' All the things I 'settled' on are not a huge deal to me.

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Why is it that a woman(Any women good looking or flawed) refuses to settle for man that is within her league in terms of looks and status?


Why is it that women want the perfect looking man that'll make her the envy of her circle of friends? Its odd because, even women who are flawed themselves ONLY want men who look like the guy in my avatar?


I dont understand it at all, as most men are more than willing to settle for a woman in their league and are even willing to date below their league if the woman is super nice, but women CANNOT do this?





It is unique to the woman involved.Some women, like men are commitment phobic, normally this involves some issue or belief that she holds to keep her running not getting close to be forced into a commitment.So unresolved issues for most of the cases or ingrained beliefs that getting close to anyone would cause heartache for both parties it has nothing to do with leagues or looks.Uncertainty is not a viable look or league its an emotion.

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1. Look around. Many women are happily partnered with men who don't look like that.


2. That doesn't mean they settled.

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Not true. I have a higher sex drive than most women and I refuse to settle.:D



How would you possibly know that you have a higher sex drive than other women unless you yourself have slept with and had relationships with a lot of women?


Women who brag about their sex drive in public tend to be equivalent to men who brag about their sexual conquests. I'm willing to bet that knocking boots with you is akin to necrophilia. Women with sex drives as urgent as mens are not going to have trouble "settling" (in other words, dating someone who brings as much to the table as you do).

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Mme. Chaucer

I bet not even one of the married or partnered women / girls here on LoveShack is with a fellow who looks like the guy in your avatar. :D

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How would you possibly know that you have a higher sex drive than other women unless you yourself have slept with and had relationships with a lot of women?


Women who brag about their sex drive in public tend to be equivalent to men who brag about their sexual conquests. I'm willing to bet that knocking boots with you is akin to necrophilia. Women with sex drives as urgent as mens are not going to have trouble "settling" (in other words, dating someone who brings as much to the table as you do).

How do you know other men's sex drives are so urgent that we settle?


I don't and won't settle. And I'm no asexual :laugh:

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Answer, because they always think they can do better. :)



Why is it that a woman(Any women good looking or flawed) refuses to settle for man that is within her league in terms of looks and status?


Why is it that women want the perfect looking man that'll make her the envy of her circle of friends? Its odd because, even women who are flawed themselves ONLY want men who look like the guy in my avatar?


I dont understand it at all, as most men are more than willing to settle for a woman in their league and are even willing to date below their league if the woman is super nice, but women CANNOT do this?



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I bet not even one of the married or partnered women / girls here on LoveShack is with a fellow who looks like the guy in your avatar. :D


And that doesn't mean we settled!

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How do you know other men's sex drives are so urgent that we settle?


I don't and won't settle. And I'm no asexual :laugh:



You can tell mens sex drives by how aggressive we are approaching women, as well as the type of woman most guys are with. The general rule i see when walking down the street is men date a couple of notches below their own league, probably because women in their own league are too much of a headache to deal with. What would the explanation be for that other than immediate and urgent need for sexual release? (considering most women have the same boring personality)

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How would you possibly know that you have a higher sex drive than other women unless you yourself have slept with and had relationships with a lot of women?


Women who brag about their sex drive in public tend to be equivalent to men who brag about their sexual conquests. I'm willing to bet that knocking boots with you is akin to necrophilia. Women with sex drives as urgent as mens are not going to have trouble "settling" (in other words, dating someone who brings as much to the table as you do).


I know because the lovers I've had told me and women talk about their sex drive! The difference is, there is only a certain type of men that get me horny (I'd rather masturbate than be with a guy Im not attracted to) and I wouldn't get into a relationship just for sex again, been there done that. There has to be much more than sex for me to get into a relationship. Great sex is still my top requirement though :laugh:

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And by the way OP, I don't look that radically different from your avatar, and women still haven't thought I was good enough with few exceptions. So you're actually underestimating how picky women are with looks.



Unless that guy was 6'6 or a .com millionaire at 22, women would sweep him off their shoulder for being too skinny.

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I know because the lovers I've had told me and women talk about their sex drive! The difference is, there is only a certain type of men that get me horny (I'd rather masturbate than be with a guy Im not attracted to) and I wouldn't get into a relationship just for sex again, been there done that. There has to be much more than sex for me to get into a relationship. Great sex is still my top requirement though :laugh:


As it should be :bunny::bunny::bunny:


You can tell mens sex drives by how aggressive we are approaching women, as well as the type of woman most guys are with. The general rule i see when walking down the street is men date a couple of notches below their own league, probably because women in their own league are too much of a headache to deal with. What would the explanation be for that other than immediate and urgent need for sexual release? (considering most women have the same boring personality)


Pure utter desperation caused by lack of true self-worth. Also a lack of control.

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From my experience with women and what I've observed this is my take on it:


The ones more in touch with reality and are low-maintenance who just want a genuine nice guy and not a douche are less likely to be picky. I'm not saying that they settle. But these types tend to want someone to take care of them emotionally (if not financially, but a plus if the guy does).


The picky ones tend to have more insecurities and higher expectations when it comes to men and relationships. Also even more troublesome if the girl is too independent, then they will be less likely to need or want a man in their life...then if that is the case then perhaps they just deserve to be single imo.

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