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What Are Your Hobbies?

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Any hobbies? Activities that help keep you in balance?


Me: Guitar & Photograpy. Pretty amateur at both. Fun to play around with though. :)



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Feral cat rescue





No, I'm not a 55 year old spinster, though you wouldn't know it from that list. :laugh:

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I don't have any. I need to come up with some because I get asked this question all the time.


I guess some activities I enjoy that could count:



shopping and styling

I like reading blogs but I dont have one. I would like to someday.

I like walking.

I guess I am starting to enjoy cooking.


I enjoy doing community work but I am not sure that counts as a hobby either. I am involved with a pretty cool organization. We do homeless outreach which I go about 1 monday a month and I went to Haiti with them last summer to work in a clinic. I also volunteer at random community health clinics and visit the children's hospital from my school once a month to entertain the kids and be my goofy silly self.

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I have a lot of hobbies. I tend to rotate through them. I'll do one or two obsessively for a while, get bored, stop, move onto something different, repeat. Eventually I'll go back to the original thing.










occasionally RPG video games and... does anyone know if decorating counts? I have this really bizarre obsession with decorating my apartment. I just can't help myself.

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Trail running



Paddle boarding

White water rafting





Lots of "ing"s apparently.


Oh, crap... I forgot... charity work. That's like #2 on the list.

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I love to hike. Love love love love it.


In the past few months I have taken an English course and have begun writing independently. I find it's a great mental workout and I've had lots of encouragement.


I read a ton. I haven't been able to read as much recreationally since I started back to school BUT I do read sources other than my texts to fully understand materials. It has paid off nicely. Usually I knock off a book or two a week when I'm on my own. I stay up late after my kid goes to bed ;)


I've also been doing some playing around with making books for my daughter that I think will help/entertain her more than learning about farm animals or Dora 16 times over. I'm trying to use Thomas the Tank Engine to explain distance/displacement.


And swimming. I don't care how much weight I gain, I refuse to not go to the public pool. I won't be shamed out of it. I love to swim and we love to swim as a family.

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I also cook like mad. :) I'm really good at it. :)


And I am working on feng shui (ing?) my house. It's fun.

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The hobbies that help keep me balanced in challenging times are:


Jigsaw puzzles (fave or occupying the mind with zero pressure)

Watching stand-up comedy

Walking (esp. near the sea/in the woods)



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I also cook like mad. :) I'm really good at it. :)


And I am working on feng shui (ing?) my house. It's fun.


I'm sure that there is something having to do with David Haselhoff in there too.;)

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frustrating people with my bohemian poet style,

checking out quotes from my inherited intellect then understanding why i think like i do when i find a quote that has mirrored what i have posted on here and i had never seen that quote before that is freaky but really uplifting.....getting to know my unknown friends who i believe have dual or maybe triple identities on here because their writing has the same inflections writing styles and different names

unravelling the riddle of love shack and finding out why no one actually talks to me and multiple thread appear and its like shifts of posters ....subtle


finding out that they are actually liking who i am as a person and enjoying my conversations even if they dont understand them and not trying to white knight the kitty



thinking they have to save her thats her job

starting a virtual reality dating thread to test out different situations and have some fun finding out peoples dating styles.....or am i actually the only one in loveshack and i am posting multiple times to myself and this is like 28 days in here i am the only survivor except for william who kicked my ass and he is my doctor in disguise and this is an experiment

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I'm sure that there is something having to do with David Haselhoff in there too.;)



I always wanted to have kit ......the knight rider car ....wanted to do it on the bonnet with that red light going from side to side while i get down with it and I am pretty sure kit could vibrate the bonnet for my breasts to be massaged while i was taken from behind mmmmmm vibration....smiling innocently

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Community work

Watching sport (rugby union)

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Playing tennis


Playing the piano

Watching good films, going to theater

And I guess my next hobby will be my cat :)

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fly fishing



cross country skiing



basketball (very badly)



smoking meat :p

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West African drum circle


community volunteer work





community theater/improv

ice skate

cross country ski


community radio

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Photography (amateur at this point, looking to change that.)

Mild exercise


Video Games

Writing (Kinda bad at it, my best story is a lemon...)


Learning survival techniques through tv shows. (Apparently feel I'm gonna be stranded on an island one day. :laugh:)


Things I haven't tried or haven't done in a long while, but would like to pick up:






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- Hiking, elevation hiking, creek running in summers

- Biking, ice skating, rollerblading, snowshoeing, swimming, skiiing

- kayaking, canoeing, white water rafting, windsurfing

- softball, volleyball, tennis, golf

- weightlifting, boxing, mma

- photography, cooking


Don't seem to find much time for other things.

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I always wanted to have kit ......the knight rider car ....wanted to do it on the bonnet with that red light going from side to side while i get down with it and I am pretty sure kit could vibrate the bonnet for my breasts to be massaged while i was taken from behind mmmmmm vibration....smiling innocently


I don't know a thing about David Hasselhoff aside from him eating dinner off a plate on the floor or something.


I just said it so that Cerridwen would like my post ;)

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Dreaming up non-lethal ways to disinfect this city of herring gulls

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- Hiking, elevation hiking, creek running in summers

- Biking, ice skating, rollerblading, snowshoeing, swimming, skiiing

- kayaking, canoeing, white water rafting, windsurfing

- softball, volleyball, tennis, golf

- weightlifting, boxing, mma

- photography, cooking


Don't seem to find much time for other things.


:sick: not a proper sport

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  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately i get a tad bored with all hobbies. Example: recently started painting miniature Napoleonic soldiers, did that for a bit, got bored. Now i can't actually admit to any of my friends that i have got bored with this because i bought rather a lot of them, when i say a lot,i mean a LOT, not going to say how many because it will make me look a bigger dork than already.


Cake making: got bored.

Guitar playing: got bored.

The list goes on but i won't bore you with it. I think it could be something to do with people having hobbies because they are bored with what's happening elsewhere in their life so thy need a hobby to relieve the boredom of life, only problem being that then becomes boring, or maybe i'm over thinking it and i get bored easily.

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I do crafty stuff like knitting and sewing. I'm currently in the process of papier-maché-ing a dinosaur skeleton - triceratops. I've done origami, which is neat. I'm a piano player without a piano, sigh. But I still dream of having one again one day. I cook and bake and try to make all I can from scratch, made yogurt this morning.


Though I'm not a fan of the categorization, this site has some great ideas for hobbies.

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Any hobbies? Activities that help keep you in balance?


Me: Guitar & Photograpy. Pretty amateur at both. Fun to play around with though. :)





I want to learn to play classical guitar i have one in a garage somewhere.....


i am back into fitness at the moment

body surfing...

wave jumping the bigger the better(doing it this summer)



writing poetry writers block at the moment driving me batty


hanging out with good people

back into cooking making steak and kidney pie tonight from scratch going to fill it with garlic roasted mash too...serve with beans and maybe corn or zuchinni so yep cooking.....cant eat it which is a bit crap but ill live.....deb

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