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Am I a bad person? Very bad Situation

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I still say you follow the simple rules I posted....


If I had a nickle for everytime a bar patron professed their love to me I would be living on some private island living the life........... :bunny:

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Well Shorty, when you're right, you're right! It's nice to have morals, eh? (big, fresh sigh of an uncluttered consience)


It's amazing that people do really screwed up stuff to people who love them, come on here and whine about it, and expect sympathy. lol.


*sigh* everyone screws up. not saying that. but this was willfully sinning, not an accident!

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His other just happened to have a newborn child. Evidently, that didn't stop him from wanting to pursue me. He invited me out one night, and I, being none the wiser, accepted.


So you're a bit of a hermit and you're coming out of your "shell" or cave or out from under your bridge and thus susceptible and naive. Indeed. Unless you're little miss innocent dorothy the farmer's daughter from backwoods Idaho you prolly won't get away with that excuse.



Also, lay off the booze, it impairs one's judgement somethin fierce. Keep it up and you're liable to end up in Idaho with your best friend who's like a brother, who you used to date, who you make out with in public while dating someone else, who really "loves" you and wants to run off anywhere with you, who you know has a rep for being Luther the Lothario. Sounds like a jerry springer special waiting to happen.






Its amazing the things we try to rationalize. :rolleyes:

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Annie you already broke up with your boyfriend when you cheated on him and you really should tell him, NOW (that you broke up with him).

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":confused:" what? When you repeatedly flame and resort to name calling (look back and see just how many of your posts have been edited) the mods will eventually catch up to you.


They've more than likely sent you a PM, and they've warned you publicly. Be careful if you don't want to be suspended! It happens. :bunny:



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Deranged, yeah, I saw that discussion post. They had locked it by the time I found it.


I apologise for my name calling. It was wrong. I shouldn't have done it. It's not cool of me to be hyper critical. People do have lives out side of this forum. I was joking with the whole "hootchie" thing. But, I'm sure it did hurt your feelings, Annie. I'm sorry if I did. I realize that you're truly in a delimma here, and that you're just looking for help.


Just follow what your consience tells you to do. Either go and be free (hey, you're young. Do what you want. Live and learn, we all do), or stick it out with your man. But, if you DO stick it out, you should come clean. IMHO, love is not decietful.


Yes, it is ok to give advice. Most people here resort to tough love, myself included. Sometimes it does take that for people to see what they're doing wrong. Again, myself included.


It takes guts to read posts when people flame you. I think I need to keep that in mind more then I actually do.


(A much humbled Yellow)

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This thread turns my stomach. Never have I read such obnoxious, arrogant, humiliating and hateful posts by so many "well-meaning" moralists against a single woman. This was a cyber-stoning by LoveShack's holier-than-thou brigade against a young woman who dared to have sex with two men while being in a relationship. Given the almost universal hyper-moralistic punitive response, one would have thought that Annie had tortured a puppy to death. Get a fu#king grip, people.


The Moral Taliban is still thriving on LoveShack.


That's a shame. We all lose, not only Annie.

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Ok, Annie, I won't be the moral Taliban or whatever, BUT I do think you owe it to the bf to allow him to make an informed decision about his relationship. You cheated on him twice in what sounds like a pretty short period of time. If you want to see more than one person, so be it. Knock yourself out. But don't mislead one of them...they have a right to know who they are dealing with. I know it's an old, dated, non-liberal saying...but there's something to be said for that whole "do unto others..." you know? Karma is a b****. I'll just leave it at that.


Oh, and if I were you, I'd stay away from the boss. Bad idea. I've never seen one of those end pretty. Tread carefully.

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She asked a honest question and I gave her my honest answer (my personal views).



I do agree that some of the posts are down right nasty.........


I have tried to keep my posts direct... (which still gets me in trouble :confused: )

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  • 9 months later...

Some girls are just low class low down lying hootchies who deserve the truth.. screw anyone who thinks I or others who posted hateful words are being too harsh. You reap what you sow and she deserves much worse punishment for her heartless behavior. Although she knows how to take one for the team, that's for sure. Atleast her poonies not being selfish :)

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I wish that posters would have more clear titles to their threads. Why call it "Am I a bad person..." etc., when the the real advice sought is "Tell me I'm not skanky..."


Of course there is opportunity to improve oneself; go for it.


But if you were my g/f (or a g/f of a pretty clear majority of the other guys here), I'd say good luck with your life and try not to cheat on your next b/f. You may want to stop blaming personal failures on being lonely and powerless ("I never thought I would let it go that far..."), because it gives strong women who have personalities and back bone a bad reputation.


I wonder what all the dudes posting here about their g/fs hanging out with guy friends think of this...

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Well, Annie I'm sure you've heard enough people bashing you...don't worry I'm not going to do that. I think you should tell him because you would want to know if the situations were reversed. Cheating on someone is a wrong, but if you can learn from it and be a better person more power to you.

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Now let's see how many more geniuses pile on to this thread to beat up on this person considering the thread started and ended TEN MONTHS AGO.



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