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I dont know how people can do this. Arn't there warning signs before you marry the person?


Im only 16. And with a girl who I truly want to spend the rest of my life with. I always think about the future, and I always hear and read about people being together for several years, then breaking up. So it really freaks me out. Like i trust Ashley but many guys like me love and trust their girlfriends then look what happens. I guess im afraid of what is to come even thought im confident that it will workout. Sometimes I think she loves me or is obsessed with me more than I am of her, and I like that which makes me in a way, trust her more.


But divorce, that must be the hardest thing in the world to go through.

I mean, Ashley is the most wonderful person you could ever know and I dont want to have to find someone like her if something was to happen.



One thing about me that must change, is Jealousy.


My jealousy is ****ing ridiculous......I love her to death and LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SAY THIS: I WANT TO CHANGE FOR HER AND NOT BE JEALOUS!

It pisses me off so bad that I have this problem. She said "If we do break up john, it will be because your so damn jealous".


It hurts.


I dont know what to say to have her help me through this. I say really stupid things. Like her tone of voice MAKES ME THINK SHES FLIRTING I DONT KNOW WHY. Could it be that Im more shy than she is, and that shes very friendly and out going? I trust her, I just dont trust guys. Because I know how guys think and she really doesnt.....sometimes when she wears skirts i get frustrated because I know guys will be checking her out and I sorta give her an attitude about it.......and this is even worse: I look at a random guy i see, then my imagination goes wild and i imagine that guy and her being together doing things. Isnt this so messed up? I sound like a psychopath....I need help, should I see a doctor?

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I didnt make plans, I had the option to. See you just uncovered another thing about me that its so hard for me to control. Like I talk to girls, but If she talks to guys I cant handle it and I say stupid things. I pray to god I grow out of it because I feel so immature when it happens.

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Dude, seek help before you live a lifetime of being a crappy, jealous boyfriend/ husband. Not being mean, just saying the truth.

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Yea I understand.


I really want to do whatever I can to fix my jealousy problem. It's so weird and I get very frustrated over the fact that I try to stop it for her but I just cant.


Also, can someone give me advice or something I can say to her so that she can understand how it is? Because I try explaining it and it feels as if she cant understand because she doesnt have the problem as bad as I have it.

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