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Pathetic Ex-BF, should I talk to him?

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The Ex-BF would not leave my current GF alone. He keeps emailing her asking her to hang out with him and stuff. He doesn't dare to call because she wouldn't pick up and she doesn't even respond to his emails. It would be fine if he wasn't around all the time, but he is. We all go to the university so he walks by her sometimes on campus. Today, I was the same bus downtown with him.


Here's the other thing, my gf and I got together when he was out of the country. She didn't break up with him until he came back and by then we had already gone out for 2 months. We're living together now, so it seems like she's made up her mind about who she wants. She is also a very nice girl and doesn't want to make things any worse than it is with him. As for myself, I like to dance on people's graves. I dont know why. I would really like for him to never talk to her again since she's already not talking to him.


My questions are: Should I intervene? Is he just a pathetic Ex-bf or is he trying something? Or maybe I'm just an a**h*** and I should leave the poor guy alone?

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Are you sure shes not talking to him?

I'm only asking because usually they are not that persistent unless they have something to feed off of.

But either way, I think you just need to talk to you gf.

Tell her he bothers you and if it bothers you that much tell her to tell him to leave her alone and stop contacting her. She can block his e-mails and his calls.

If that still doesnt work and he keeps buggin then you should intervene and tell him it's time for him to get out of the picture.

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You steal his girlfriend when he is out of town and you expect him to just put up with it and expect him to just get over it?

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Debster, are you a guy or a girl? I didn't steal anything because a girlfriend is not a thing you steal. Maybe you should stop looking as it as an object possession. We both felt bad for the guy because it had to happen that way but we both really love each other. It takes two to have a relationship, I didn't steal anything.

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at first I didn't think much to this post...cuz it was all rambly...and only I'm supposed to be rambly and nonsensical :p


that said, check out what I had to add here:




learn to live with a noble heart my friend. Why is it so hard for people to end before they begin? Ah, selfishness and personal greed that's why.


But, it does all paint a clearer picture now since Debster made a good point on it and your remark here..."As for myself, I like to dance on people's graves. I dont know why." I know why, you're a jerk...jackass....jackoff. As for me, even with my noble heart and gentle demeaner...I'd crack you in half if you pulled your macho crap with me. For your sake, tell your girl to give her ex closure and keep your respectless mouth shut.


mean huh

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Dude, you are one ignorant person. I am not macho at all and please dont judge if you dont even know me. People are very different when it comes to love and relationships. In fact, I am a very caring person for people I care about. As for the ex-bf, I can care less about him since what he is doing is directly disregarding my feelings and my relationship with my girl. He is done, he needs to give it up and get out of the picture. He is dead and should not try to rise back from his grave. I'm sorry if that sounds jerk-like but I can't deal with homewreckers.

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It sounds like your GF is conflict avoidant. Let your girlfriend be non-confrontational and let it go. You might be making life way more uncomfortable for her than he is. You said that she has obviously chosen you, so be happy with that.

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Debster, are you a guy or a girl? I didn't steal anything because a girlfriend is not a thing you steal. Maybe you should stop looking as it as an object possession. We both felt bad for the guy because it had to happen that way but we both really love each other. It takes two to have a relationship, I didn't steal anything.


What difference does it make if I am a girl or a guy? BTW, your attempts at trying to rationalize what you did is pathetic. No, you did not literally 'steal her' as you are right, she is not an object. However, that doesn't change the fact that what you did was wrong. I would advise you to instead of acting picking at technicalities you might actually listen to the advice. Mind you, of course I KNOW you can't actually listen to something you read... but jeez.


Dude, you are one ignorant person. I am not macho at all and please dont judge if you dont even know me.

Hmmmm... Funny how you assume that it is ok for you to judge dudesomewhere and say he is ignorant, but you can't be told what exactly you are. I would type it, but what's the point it would get removed by the moderator anyways.


Also your comment

In fact, I am a very caring person for people I care about.

Made me laugh. Umm... it is how you treat everyone that counts.


As for the ex-bf, I can care less about him since what he is doing is directly disregarding my feelings and my relationship with my girl. He is done, he needs to give it up and get out of the picture. He is dead and should not try to rise back from his grave. I'm sorry if that sounds jerk-like but I can't deal with homewreckers


Payback is a bitc%, isn't it?

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