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This weekend


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OK I had a RIPPER of a weekend. I talked to this girl who is really attractive, nice, fun to be around, etc. She goes to my old college, and my friends and I used to always want her, but never met her. Well, the other night I felt pretty good, and started talking to her. We talked the whole night (a few hours, with breaks in between. I was thinking of Tony's advice of leaving and coming back.) The conversation was really good, and everything. She seems to have alot of the qualities my last couple of relationships have been lacking.


Well,alot of the conversation was about our similar sports interests. I asked her for her # at the end of the night by saying that if I ever had any tickets to a game (I frequently get tickets, my friend works for a TV station, and always "snags" tickets for me. Usually, I give them away to someone else) I'd call her to give 'em to her.


The thing is, I got her # by suggesting that I'd call her to "give her tickets" to one of these events. That got me the #, but now can I call her for a date, instead of "giving her tickets?" I really think I might've been (almost definitely)able to get her # by just asking her for it, straight out. She's a really nice girl, and we both knew who the other was in college, just never met until friday night. We had a really good night, and she was pretty flirtacious and stuff. I really wanna pursue this, but don't quite know how. Any suggestions. I think this weekend might be too early. (Plus I kinda have some friends from out of town coming up this weekend, and am kinda busy (LOL).)


:)Yes...Paulie's already thinking about next weekend :)

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If you don't ask her out, she'll think you're gay. Hell, yes, ask her out. But wait three or four days before you call.


The best thing to do is ask her out to an event or function you think she would be interested in attending, rather than just going to a club or something. Scheduled functions, such as plays, concerts, or even movies, are far less threatening for a first date than going out to a club.


Sounds terrific to me!!!

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So Tone...you think she knew damn well I was interested when I asked her for her #?


There's no possibility she just gave it to me 'cause she wants tickets?


Am I out of touch...is it abnormal to call someone and ask them out after one long, good conversation at a bar?


She's damn cool...likes to watch college football, just like me :)

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1. There's no possibility she just gave it to me 'cause she wants tickets?


Oh, yes, she wants the tickets but she's not stupid. She knows a guy is not just going to call up a chick just to give her tickets. She knows there's more to it than that. If she's stupid enough to think a guy like you would just be after tickets, forget her!!!


2. Am I out of touch...is it abnormal to call someone and ask them out after one long, good conversation at a bar?


Hell, no, it's not abnormal. You may never see her again, or at least not for a while. That's what it's all about. You had a really nice talk with her and calling her means you enjoyed yourself enough to want to continue the conversation.


3. She's damn cool...likes to watch college football, just like me :)


Well, don't go overboard. Just because she likes to do the same things you do doesn't necessarily make her cool. Now, it may make her NUTS. But as long as the two of you get along, you should ask her to marry you...in time!!! If she says yes, you'll know she's either IN LOVE or IN SANE!!!


I'll be pulling for you. You need to move on this one. But, remember what I always say, don't make this too easy for her. Don't be a pushover. Don't be predictable. Don't let her know she's the only thing you've got going. At least not in the beginning.

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What I meant was: Don't give her the idea or a reason to believe she MAY be the only thing you have going.


(Even if she is)


You are way too sensitive. I hope my advise was helpful.

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Way to go!!! Best of luck.


Everything Tony said... ditto. She knew you were interested in more than giving her tickets. She is interested in you.


Go for it and be kind.


I'm hoping the best for you.

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