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Read 2

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This is more of a basis of my emotions now and some more details on how I feel and what is going on to the original post of "Read". If this post confuses you please read the original post which I believe is on page 3 or 4.

Everyone has told me to let this girl know, and I understand the reasons why, but it is easier said than done. The problem I have is I have no body here for me to fall back on. I live in Dallas, Texas all of my friends reside in St. Louis and I just can't quit my job and move back.

My girl is not clear on what she wants, she still txts me sometimes, tells me she loves me and will privately see me. Like I said in my earlier post it appears her mother and her friend is controlling what she should do. For her to keep contacting me means there is something there right?

My Birthday is in 20 days and says she wants to see me than, I haven't actually spoken to her on the phone to actually explain in detail how I feel it has only been txts because she is in a different state with her mom visiting family until Monday.

She has family and friends to fall back on I don't, she left me with this apartment and all the bills and the 2008 Altima I have gotten her like a complete dumb ass. I have always been an excellent boyfriend but this **** is killing me. I am trying my hardest not to think about it.

I have been going to the gym hardcore, tanning, and taking up Muay Thai... I don't know what else to do... I still love her I don't know why, and of course I don't want to be lonely for the rest of my life sounds like a miserable ****ing life not having anyone.

But wtf is going on in her mind, she moves out and still tells me she loves me, needs time, wants to see me? WTF>???

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I'm sorry but you need to cut this crap from your life.


Can't you see how head over heels you are in love with a person who won't even openly date you? Who speaks lies about you to her family? Who allows her mother to influence her decisions? Who beats you? Who verbally attacks and abuses you?


What do you mean you have "no one to fall back on" ???


I personally don't even think you should be in a relationship PERIOD at this point in time. You seriously need to do a lot of soul searching, and you need to start loving yourself, gaining some confidence and security, and so on and so forth.


You don't need a fall back anything. You need to focus on yourself.


This person is highly toxic and you can sit here and start all the "Read" threads you want. No one is going to tell you to stay with this person. She's a disaster, she needs medication and therapy, she needs a swift kick to the head if nothing else.


All of your friends are in another town? Fantastic. Get out there and make new friends. All I see you doing is making excuses for yourself to remain with such a miserable human being.

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