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... I had to leave cause he wouldnt stop talking to his exes???:(

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Ok, so me and him were tg for a year... Everything was amazing when we first started dating then he went to jail and he got out so we started staying together plus he was on house arrest mainly for protecting me. So one night he was asleep and I saw he was texting his exes Nothing bad but just the simple fact he was texting them. I have always believed an ex is an ex for a reason. So I got mad and confronted him and he got a lil upset cause I went through his phone. Well some weeks passed off him taking his phone every where so I began to wonder then I got on his Facebook which he didn't know I had the password and saw were he was remanencing with an ex about a full moon and I looked at earlier messages which I found he lied about some stuff. So one day I told him to delete them if he wanted to remain with me. Well he dis no problem so I got on Facebook and saw him ask for one of there numbers back cuz "psychochick " deleted them and that pissed me off very bad so I snapped and told him I saw it and he was like I knew u was on my stuff ur invading my privacy so he changed his password.... So Yeah I took him back now just recently I broke up with him for acting different and the next day I went to his house to see him talking to all them once again so I'm just going to be completely done.. I mean yes we had amazing times I know he loves me he's just young minded so did I do the right thing or did I over do it??? I love him so much but I can't deal with him texting them even if it's not in a bad or good way just in general.... Thank u for reading this.

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