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Reliving some old feelings... HELP!

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Anyone else experience situation similar and did it work out?


I met a great girl a couple of years ago. We shared the same interests then, thats actually how we met. We were involved in the same sport. Back then, I was extremely attracted to her and I asked her out on a date a couple of times (but she had been in a relationship for 6 years up to that point) Her boyfriend didn't have any interest in the sport at all, He'd come to watch her once in a while but didn't like anything to do with the sport. I often wondered what kept them together. Heck she wouldn't even live with him lol. Anyway, Even after she rejected my advances back then, we still ended up practicing together once a week. I remember it being uncomfortable at first because I had asked her out. However, she then became my 1 on 1 instructor from then on and still is. We've see each other once a week for a few hours each lession for a couple of years now.


Well, she recently split up with that guy for good. We've become close over time but yet kept our distance over the past two years. Over time I've actually come to appreciate her even more from when we first met.


How long should I wait before asking her out? Has anyone else had success with a two year back burner emotional roller coaster?

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Personally, I'd keep the connection going with the sport; however, I would give her time to heal from the long term relationship before diving in. She may want to just have time to herself for a while and not share it with anyone else on a relationship level?


Good luck!


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i totally agree with missy!!


i think you should let her know that even though you train (or whatever you do with the same sport) let her know that you are here for her if she needs a shoulder to cry on or just to talk. by showing her that you care for her, she will hopefully beable to feel that you are someone who is there for her. give her the space she needs, because you could just be a rebound for her if you express your feelings now and not wait. time will tell and follow your head AND heart. you will know when the timing is right!!!


i was in your situation before and it totally sucks!!! i feel you man!! good luck. :)

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