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Genital Herpes without sexual contact? (viewer descretion, plz)

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I'll start with my sexual background.

Actually, I should say, my lack thereof. I've never had any sexual contact. Ever. Most especially not to my genital area. I'm a virgin in every way you can bother to name, and I've never "fooled" around or anything like that.


That's why I'm so confused, yet so worried.


Last night I was setting myself up to masturbate before going to sleep, when I noticed a fairly decent sized red bump on the bottom of my penis--maybe about 1 inch (if that) above the scrotum.


Now, I don't believe I have genital herpes. Nothing, besides that bump, would ever indicate that I do. I did a little bit of reading today about herpes and it says that the first outbreak is always the worst. This leads me further, to believe that this can't be an "outbreak" because I only have 1 bump, not more than one. It doesn't hurt or anything--I didn't even notice it until I started to masturbate and I felt the bump.


It's about the size of a pimple--a moderate sized one. But I've never had something like this on my penis before.


I'm 20 yrs old and at the moment, I'm dependant on my parents and I kind of don't want to bring this up to them (and goto the doctor) unless I'm convinced that something is wrong.


I guess what I am asking you is, what else could this painless red bump be? Herpes or not, it makes ZERO sense to me.


I mean how on earth can I have an STD if I've never had any sexual contact... Sounds wrong to me.


What do you think...???



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First of all, you really shouldn't be using advice from an online forum as a substitute for your physician. Why would your parents have to know why you saw your doctor?


Anyway, are you sure it isn't just a pimple? It is entirely possible to have acne on the shaft of your penis.




Does it itch at all?



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It could very well be just a pimple. that's what it looks like anyway.


I still can't help but be worried about it though.


And I know you are right, that this isn't a substitute for a physician. But my parents would be very worried if I went to the doctor without telling them why lol


About the question about itching... it does slightly itch. Not to the point that I want to scratch... Only just barely enough to notice.


Other than that, though, I have experienced no other symptoms associated with Herpes.


Originally posted by clia

If you've had no sexual contact, you don't need to worry about STDs.

Yea, I read that too. I read that herpes is a fragile virus that dies when exposed to air. I just can't help but be worried, what with this bump on my penis. :(


I do get acne behind my thighs and on my neck and back, but never before on my genital area.

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Originally posted by clia

If you've had no sexual contact, you don't need to worry about STDs.


Not necessarily true.


I recommend that the original author of this thread seek a medical professional's opinion on the matter. There is no other way to be certain of what this "bump" is.

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Agree with faux in Verry rare cases it can be passed on at birth. ( mother to child)


Q- Do you get cold sores on your mouth ever?

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It actually sounds a little more like syphilis to me.


From what I know (I'm no doctor here), genital herpes will be painful and extremely itchy, and your outbreak with consist of many small bumps, not just one "fairly decent" sized one. After a few days the bumps will rupture, ooze, and bleed. Then they will scab over and heal. During an outbreak (even the first outbreak) you will also have flu-like symptoms and urination is painful. Also, it is nearly impossibly to get this disease through any non-sexual contact (such as toilet seats) because it dies so quickly.




The bacterial organism that causes syphilis, Treponema pallidum, enters your body through minor cuts or abrasions in your skin or mucous membranes during sexual activity. Other routes of syphilis transmission are by transfusion of infected blood, by direct unprotected close contact with an active lesion (such as during kissing), and from a mother to her unborn child during pregnancy.




Syphilis is a disease that is usually sexually transmitted. It most commonly occurs in men and women in the 20- to 24-year-old age group. There are four stages of syphilis: primary, secondary, late stage and latent.


Primary syphilis is characterized by a chancre, which is a single, painless ulceration with a firm border, that appears at the site of inoculation. The chancre is usually located on the external genitalia, anal canal, or mouth, but may occur on any area of the body.




Q: Is it possible to have an STD without even having sex?



A: It depends on what you mean by "without even having sex." If you mean without having vaginal or anal intercourse, the answer is yes. If you mean without having any kind of sex play, including kissing, the answer is no.




Again, we aren't doctors. It may just be acne, but why don't you check out Planned Parenthood ( very privacy-conscious, http://www.plannedparenthood.org ) or another clinic in your area and get yourself tested? Better to be safe than sorry, you know.



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could be a bug bite. Try some neosporin.


Keep an eye on it and if it doesn't go away, or if it changes then see a doctor. You are 20, you don't have to tell your parents why you are seeing a doctor. Why do you feel it necessary to tell them that you are seeing a doctor at all? You live with them, but don't you also have some privacy? If you take care of the doctor bill yourself then there won't be any reason for them to know. If you are on their insurance and use that, then tell them you have a bump you want a doc to check out and if they ask to see it just say "no, it's below the tan line" grin and let it be. They'll think you have a boil on your bottom or something. ;)

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