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ooooops where'd that bj come from?

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Last night I was hanging out with my friend and I ended


up giving him a blowjob. We're used to hugging and kissing and playfully grabbing each other all the time, but this time was a lot further.


The problem is this:


My boyfriend is his best friend.


His girlfriend is my best friend.


haha pathetic huh


The thing is..whenever me and my bf hang out with him and his gf, as couples we don't show much PDA but him and I are the ones that are hugging each other etc...in a friendly way. He grabs me in front of his girlfriend, she doesn't mind. and my boyfriend doesn't mind either when I start wrestling around with his best friend.


The night before last, before the BJ, my bf and I just had a talk about commitment too...so that should make me feel


even more guilty.


why don't I feel guilty? especially sine me and my bf just had a talk about being committed to each other the night before? is it cause he would never and i would never cheat on our companions with anyone else, but that it's okay because we're their companions' best friends?


Me and my bf haven't had sex; him and his gf haven't had sex either. It's not that we want to hook up with each other; we don't. we just love each other as friends.


Would it be a good idea to admit what we did to our bf/gf, or would it be better to never let them know about it? I mean the oral sex was pretty casual..it could probably occur again......



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Well, it's good to know you have pretty casual oral sex with your boyfriend's best friend. You are the kind of girlfriend every guy dreams of.


When one person knows something, it can be kept a secret. When two people know, it's all over.


You should definitely not tell your boyfriend and he should not tell his girlfriend. But, subconsciously you want them to find out or you wouldn't have done this in the first place.


You can count on the both finding out within a week or two, even if you keep your mouth shut. One of you will have an argument and spill the beans. Your relationships will be over and then you two friends will pair up with each other.


The two of you will not be able to ever trust each other because both of you know the other is capable of giving casual blow jobs to your close friends of the opposite sex. So that won't last either.


It's nice to know that oral sex is evolving to the casual category, like a wave or hand shake and with a good friend. But I hope people still do that stuff in private. It would be embarassing to me personally to see this happening all over the streets.


Both of you have blown it!!!

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Since when is putting your mouth on someone's penis casual? I guess since Clinton decided that is not sex.


I notice the favor was not returned, so what are you getting out of this? Just the knowledge that you can do this any time and it doesn't really mean anything.

Well, it's good to know you have pretty casual oral sex with your boyfriend's best friend. You are the kind of girlfriend every guy dreams of.


When one person knows something, it can be kept a secret. When two people know, it's all over. You should definitely not tell your boyfriend and he should not tell his girlfriend. But, subconsciously you want them to find out or you wouldn't have done this in the first place. You can count on the both finding out within a week or two, even if you keep your mouth shut. One of you will have an argument and spill the beans. Your relationships will be over and then you two friends will pair up with each other.


The two of you will not be able to ever trust each other because both of you know the other is capable of giving casual blow jobs to your close friends of the opposite sex. So that won't last either. It's nice to know that oral sex is evolving to the casual category, like a wave or hand shake and with a good friend. But I hope people still do that stuff in private. It would be embarassing to me personally to see this happening all over the streets. Both of you have blown it!!!

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My Dear Lara:


I get the distinct impression that you have been found out. Like I said in my previous post, subcosciously you probably wanted to get caught.


Well, it happened.


I would not like to be around your house tonight.


For more details, scroll up to the top to see what your boyfriend has planned for you.


I don't normally give stuff like this away but it seems your boyfriend is pissed enough to cause some serious problems for you. It won't be a pretty sight.


I have a feeling you life will change dramatically today, a day that will live in infamy.


Film at 11.

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Would it be a good idea to admit what we did to our bf/gf, or would it be better to never let them know about it? I mean the oral sex was

The good news is, your problem is now moot!


The bad news, well . . .

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