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sleeping with his best friend

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i have been going out with my boyfriend for about two years. we're pretty serious. though, he chose to go to the military and i miss him very much. i even got sick because of him. i wouldnt eart. it wasnt something i could prevent either. i tried eating but it just felt like i was going to throw it back up. im really depressed because of all this. he has signed up for four years!!! yet we decided that we were still going to stay together, that if we survive this test of our love, then, we know we are ment for each other. although its kind of hard to accept because i think that if this boy would propose to me. id say yes in a heart beat. do you think we'll last?


the reason why i actually wrote this was because i had a dream with his best friend that we were getting kind of hot and heavy and i ask his friend if my boyfriend was going to find out about this and he says no. so we keep on going. then we get in his car to go find a place to do it to get more privacy, but i woke up before that. so i dont know if we did it or not. either way i still cheated on my boyfriend in my dream. what do you thinkthis could mean?


my boyfriend has been the first and only person i've "been" with. i would never cheat on him and ruin the type of relationship we have because its vice versa. but even though im so good and committed to my morals, i still wonder what it would be like to sleep with other people....


if you can help me with my problems, i would really appreciate it, or atleast tell me what is on your mind...thank you !!


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Well, well, well.


Please dont be a "hootchie" and go live out your dream...


You obviously have some sort of attraction to his best friend....


Think about it this way, hes out risking his life for the freedom of our country and for you and your kids(may happend someday) freedoms....


He either trusts you enough to leave you alone for four years hoping that the love that you both share will last.




He just couldnt stand being around you anymore.





Well im pretty sure its the first one.


You two do love eachother.

Do you trust him? Oh, and usually you dream about things after you saw it earliar in the day...did you see his best friend? talk to him? alone? what...details.



This is really no biggie its a dream....ive had 2 dreams that my gf cheated on me but it stems from my jealousy that i cant control.


Things like this are natural, maybe just think about him alot, look at pictures before bed.

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either way i still cheated on my boyfriend in my dream. what do you thinkthis could mean?


You DID NOT cheat on your boyfriend. Your dream could have meant something completely different. Dreams cannot be interpreted literally.


Of course you wonder about sleeping with other people. That's only natural. So don't let that bother you either.


I do, however, think you and your bf are being just a tad childish in your promise to wait for one another for four years. You are not at a time in your live when such a thing is very healthy. I doubt you can do it and would recommend that you don't even try. You have too much life to live to be putting your heart on hold for so long. In four years the two of you will be completely different people.

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