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My boyfriend and I of a year and half have just broken up. I am crushed! I want him back so badly and need some advice. We broke up after I caught him in his room with another girl...they were not having sex but he did have his around her and they were fully clothed. I have told him how much I care and love him and that I think we can work this out but he just says no....we can't. In our relationship he is younger and I am older. I am 21 and he is 19. I am so confused because he is sending me such mixed signals.


He still calls and texts me but yesterday i totally ignored him b/c if there is no chance that we will get back together i have to get over him. I can not eat or sleep and the pain i feel is awful. I just need some advice. He says he still cares about me and was very upset that ignored him yesterday. I JUST WANT TO KNOW DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING I CAN DO TO MAKE THIS BETTER FOR US BOTH?



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Wait what exactly did he do with the other girl? And you need to ask him str8 up if theres any chance of you getting back together because if not its true what you said you need to start getting over him. Don't let him play games with you and lead you around.

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Block him from calling or sending you electronic messages. Tell him it is over and to not contact you anymore. Go get some icecream, rent a good movie, get a box of tissues and emote for an evening. Then get out with your friends and move on with your life. It will hurt for a while, but not forever. He's not the last guy on the planet and he disrespected you by having a girl in his room (no matter how innocent he claims it was). He then told you that you can't work it out. Cut him off. Move on. He's not mature enough for a relationship. You both should experience more of life and other people before making a commitment. Your true happiness lies ahead---remember that.

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This is just it..... he still loves me but....... feels that we are not compatiable...but he asked me not to date ir see anyone else for like two weeks...I am just so confused. I just talked to him for an hour on the phone he told me he was hurting just as bad as i am and that he feels he made the right decision. But then he will say I still love you and care about...eugh its just so hard.

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if i found my man putting his arm around a girl, i would be sooo upset at him. just becuz they had clothes on didn't mean that they didn't do anything or was about to do something. you probably caught them before anything did happen!!!


don't listen to this guy PLEASE!!!! it sounds like to me, that he is wanting you to wait and he's putting you on a back burner so he can do what he feels like doing. (maybe finishing what he started, so he can't say he cheated on you.)


girl!!! don't get caught up in the guy. he sounds like he is just trying to explore his options before going back to you if you were the right one for him.


you say he's 19? he's toooo young to be in a faithful commited relationship. i had a younger boyfriend too when i was 21. he was 18 and he did the same thing to me as well. he told me not to date others, and wait. well, later i found out that he was checking out other fish in the sea to make sure i was the one for him. i did wait around. it took him over 3 months. but then shortly after that, he left me cause he felt that he wasn't ready and wanted to explore again. i ended up having a baby by him!!


girl, don't put yourself where i already once was. if this guy says you aren't right for him, then you need to cut off ALL communications with this guy even if it makes him angry!! sounds like he's trying to control you, even if he doesn't want to be with you!! don't answer your phone or messages. don't respond to nothing.


it will only hurt you more if you stay in contact with this guy, because he's playing you!!!!!! if you want to stop hurting, follow my advice and forget this guy and move on!!!!! i bet, there are so many better guys out there that will treat you good, you just have to be patient!!

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