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I havent had a serious committed relationship...yet

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I suppose some back story is in order.


I am 21 years of age, live at home with my father while I attend the local community college to transfer. I work full time, school full time. Of course that leave very little social time. But I go out when I can, but that leaves very little time to meet people. I interact and socialize with some people at work, but of course it would potentially mean getting transfered if I try to engage in a relationship with them (plus I have seen some pretty nasty aftermaths of people who dated). Then school...I just havent met anyone interesting yet. Or they are in relationships...It's been a year since my last date, and of course the clock is ticking so to speak. Any advice on how to "get out there." Of course I would say I am severely inexperienced for my age, never really dated in high school.

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No clock is ticking. It's good to be patient. Don't rush into things. It actually gives you time to figure out what you are looking for. Although I dated different girls before, I only recently committed to someone (I'm 22). Experience won't matter much if your partner is sensible (and if you're not too ashamed). I say get out there and maybe date for fun (get experience) before committing though.

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