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He's back but...


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Hi everyone. Thanks for all the support and advice. The deal now is this. I sent the guy an email saying that I will be his friend and give him time to sort things out with his ex because apparently he was suffering and I didn't want him to suffer between two women. I basically told him that if I disappear from the picture there was nothing for him to suffer and I would just be friends with him. Well, I talked to him the next day and he said that my email meant a lot to him and he said that he talked to his ex about stuff and they are back to where they used to be...good friends like right after the break up. I got really confused! I mean, he's not back with his ex now...but I'm not sure where I stand now either. My problem is that I'm wondering if his emotions for me died out because of this whole situation, or if he's trying to start things slow with me until he himself is less confused. Can emotions like that die out so soon? I mean, he did leave his 4 year relationship for me. Please give me some guidance!!

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Why are you worried his emotions died out? Is he acting differently? Is he being awkward and stuff? If he is, probably it's because he went through a lot of emotional turmoil and he's trying to cope with it, or he's just burnt out by the whole situation. If he is, then he's a wimp (sorry). I think that you deserve a stronger person and if he can't stand by himself, then move on.

Hi everyone. Thanks for all the support and advice. The deal now is this. I sent the guy an email saying that I will be his friend and give him time to sort things out with his ex because apparently he was suffering and I didn't want him to suffer between two women. I basically told him that if I disappear from the picture there was nothing for him to suffer and I would just be friends with him. Well, I talked to him the next day and he said that my email meant a lot to him and he said that he talked to his ex about stuff and they are back to where they used to be...good friends like right after the break up. I got really confused! I mean, he's not back with his ex now...but I'm not sure where I stand now either. My problem is that I'm wondering if his emotions for me died out because of this whole situation, or if he's trying to start things slow with me until he himself is less confused. Can emotions like that die out so soon? I mean, he did leave his 4 year relationship for me. Please give me some guidance!!
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I don't understand how a guy can leave a four year relationship so quickly or can he really leave his ex as an ex. If they were together that long, I'm sure he still has feelings for her. Give him some time and just be his friend. He will either go running back to his ex or pursue a relationship with you. However, if he does, make sure he's rid of the ex.

Hi everyone. Thanks for all the support and advice. The deal now is this. I sent the guy an email saying that I will be his friend and give him time to sort things out with his ex because apparently he was suffering and I didn't want him to suffer between two women. I basically told him that if I disappear from the picture there was nothing for him to suffer and I would just be friends with him. Well, I talked to him the next day and he said that my email meant a lot to him and he said that he talked to his ex about stuff and they are back to where they used to be...good friends like right after the break up. I got really confused! I mean, he's not back with his ex now...but I'm not sure where I stand now either. My problem is that I'm wondering if his emotions for me died out because of this whole situation, or if he's trying to start things slow with me until he himself is less confused. Can emotions like that die out so soon? I mean, he did leave his 4 year relationship for me. Please give me some guidance!!
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