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Does he really like me? OR just doing stuff with me... ?

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Okay so heres what happened theres this guy. I've wanted him for 3 years now. Hes goes to my school and he lives close by. Well one day he came over and we spent the day with my older sister in her room and we watched tv... played videogames and when she'd leave the room he'd flirt with me alot. When he came back he'd totally back off as well at his house when anyone else came near. So when my sister fell asleep that night. He kissed me as well as other stuff kinda happened. Still a virgin tho. The next day i went to his house and we watched a movie. But really we didnt watch the movie. All we did was makeout.. and more. Everytime were together all he wants to do is makeout and see how far he can get. Does he really like me or does he just like that I'll do stuff with him. Oh yea and we've been friends for about 2 years not really good friends tho or anything... I want him to ask me out and i have a feeling he wont his last gf had to talk to him about it and he actually asked her if she wanted him to ask her out for him to... oh yea and i want more like talking and stuff too .. and other stuff beseides doing ****.. but anywayz Does he realy like me? i had no idea he'd be like this. Help

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I dont kno this guy but he sounds like he isnt worth you time..dont let yourself go to far with him incase that is all he wants.. spend time with him and dont do stuff with him and see if he wants to hang out again..do it a couple of times n that should tell you if he really likes you but if you feel pressured to much stay away from him.. dont waste yourself on someone you arnt really sure about.. n if he wont even ask you out he isnt that into you...


is he the player type??

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if you have been friends for 2 years now, you should beable to communicate with him to find out all that he is offering and wanting from you.


if you can't communicate with him, then you shouldn't give in and lose your virginity with this boy. thats maybe all he wants at this time....sex!


tell him you aren't ready to go that far....if he's truely digging you and not just wanting to get into your pants, then he should respect your wishes...


if he doesn't and moves on, then you will have your answer and he didn't like you for you after all.


trust me, i had a couple of guys when i was in school do that to me too. i told them i wasn't interested in intercourse yet and that they would have to wait until we were both ready. at that time, i realized who was actually digging me and who was actually digging to get into my pants.


think about this one...do you want to end up losing your virginity over a guy who just wanted sex and not you??? wait girl!!


good luck!!! :)

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