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why do women go for JERKS


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I am 28 and have hardly dated people compliment me about my looks and personality all the time


I always get the classic your such a nice guy why dont you have a girl friend? its a nice thing to here but also frustrating.


So why do women always go for the jerks and feel the need for a challange like always going for unavailable men, guys with girlfriends married guys, gays ect.


Im convinced that the average guys always finish last in the dating scene



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Well, being purely nice and sweet is not a great strategy for capturing the interest of many women. They don't want a guy to suck up to them and take care of their every need. They long for a man who is a man. There is a very excellent essay that will explain this concept in detail if you will copy the following web address and paste it into your browser and hit go:






Women, and men too actually, really want a challenge. They don't want someone who is too easy. That isn't tantalizing. Someone who is too nice does not cause their brains to manufacture the necessary chemicals for love and attraction. Sometimes, it actually causes them to become nauseous and ill.


The very best way for a man to conduct himself is as a gentleman who knows when to be a man and be firm, and when to be soft and romantic. As the article I gave you the link to above will tell you, nice guys simply aren't appealing because they are so predictable and downright dull...boring.


Some women want a guy similar to their dads and few had dads that were sugar sweet to them all the time.


If the above article doesn't satisfy you, go to Nice Guy Webzine. There are articles and links that further describe why being sweetsie sweetsie is not the route to true romance. Again, copy the following web address, paste it into your browser and press go:




If you think you need really heavy duty help, order "Nice Guys Don't Get Laid," by Marcus Pierce Meleton, Jr. It is available from Sharkbait Press, P.O. Box 11300, Costa Mesa, California 92627-0300 Telephone (714) 645-0139 It was published in 1993 but I'm sure it's still available.


If you want absolute, surefire, bottom line, works everytime strategies for getting any woman in the world to fall in love with you, order: "Love Tactics" by Thomas W. McKnight and Robert H. Phillips and "More Love Tactics" by the same authors. The books are available through Avery Publishing Group, Inc., Garden City Park, New York.


If you don't learn the necessary balance between kindness, being a challenge and being downright unavailable and indifferent, it is not likely you will be highly successful in evoking the passion you desire from a woman...until you are at an age when the ladies you hang out with have gone beyond that place and are actually attracted to fully certified nice guys...that's about age 85.


Now, I have given you absolutely every secret I have.


Good luck...and name your first male child Tony in remembrance of this post.

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Listen, I have heard the saying nice guys finish last but the truth is some girls like to go for the "bad boys" dont ask..I was once in that phase (when i was 14 haha)..the guy who has a gf, the guy who treats girls like #####. These women are immature and aren't able to see the nice guy for who he is, they like being kept on thier toes. The same can be applied to the question why do some guys sleep with a girl and never call her again...immaturity...that's all it is. Screening process my friend that's all you need to stay away from these girls..also the ability to cut 'em loose as soon as they show signs of being little bitches. Stay a nice guy b/c you are going to be the one who meets the perfect woman and these immature girls will still be looking for the perfect bad boy at 40.

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Both women and men need to get lives, have lives, and be whole people or they are both wimpy jerks, looking to find fulfillment through someone else. Men have not cornered the market on this problem. Women appease, kowtow, efface themselves, and sacrifice their dull, cautious lives on the alter of a relationship that they think will give their lives meaning.


We are not talking about kindness, courtesey, and caring here. We are talking about the whining crybabies who mistake blandness for niceness.

I just happened to stumble onto this link. You can click on any subject to get good information about what women expect straight from a woman. I strongly endorse most everything I read there. This is part of a website I gave you a link to in my post above. Copy and past, of course. http://www.manslife.com/women/jennifer/archives.html


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