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Would you rather have...

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empathy from your partner or sympathy.


In other words, would you rather have someone who understood you, but didn't share your feelings (empathy), or someone who cried/laughed with you, but didn't understand why (sympathy) ?



I know having both is good, but sometimes a person has more of one that the other.


so please choose one, and say why.


thanks !

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Forever Learning

Does sympathy mean to feel with you but not understand why? I did not know that. I shall have to look these words up first to be sure what the difference in meaning is between the two words.


While I'm at it I need to look up effect/affect.



Oh screw it, I better just stick to learning one new thing at a time! LOL :laugh:

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Empathy, no question. I don't need sympathy most of the time but someone who gets me? I would give a lot for that.

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