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I just found out from my friend that my girlfriend cheated on me...I'm really mad and sad, but mostly p*ssed off that she would do this. What should I say to her?


P.S. I want to break up with her



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Say "That's it. Consider us broken up. Don't contact me please" and leave.


I'm sorry that you are hurting, but you don't need to be with someone who would treat you that way. Better people for you are waiting in your future.

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Uh..... Maybe you should ask your girlfriend before you just assume your friend is telling the truth.

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I think that you should simply tell her the truth. You have found out something about her that you can't ignore, something that has made you feel entirely different about her and you will never feel the same way again. Honesty is almost always the best policy.

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i agree with the previous post that you should ask her about it first. friends dont always tell you the truth so you should ask her about it... plus... even if she did cheat.. these things can happen! i am in a relationship of 1 1/2 years and a year ago, something like that happened... but we worked it out and we're better than ever now. so talk to her and then make up your mind.

best of luck!

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