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lil problem

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hey guys and girls i have a slight problem with my gf we have nearly being going out a month and i live 40 ish miles away from her i told her i will come and see her when i can, i took her to the cinema yesterday and we held hands the full day and talked. but when her first x came along he made her laugh and made me feel like a tool basically


she still keeps mentionaing about him saying he brought her out of her shell but i asked her if she still liked him and she said only in a friendly way now


the other thing i am confused about is when we first started going out she used to use tongues and now its normal kissing whats up with that?


also i always phone her and she never phones me :( im a lil paranoid cos i miss her and wish i lived closer to her it sucks really

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Have you two actually said "lets go steady" or "lets not date others"? Sounds like its time for the relationship talk.


What do you want out of the relationship? From yourself? From her? What are your priorities? What is most important to you in a relationship? Second most important? Rank these things. What about her? Does she rank the same things close to the way you rank them? If not, then can you adjust yours to match hers and still be happy? If not, then its not a good match.


Don't worry about her ex making her laugh. They had a history together and if she says they are just friendly now, then you have to trust her.


Ask her about the kissing. She may have been doing it at first because you liked it and she wanted to impress you and "get" you to like her and now that she is comfortable that she "has" you, she has backed off. Or she may just be getting complacent. Tell her you are feeling like you are being taken for granted and you want to work on that in your relationship.

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the other thing i am confused about is when we first started going out she used to use tongues and now its normal kissing whats up with that?


Have you asked her?



also i always phone her and she never phones me im a lil paranoid cos i miss her and wish i lived closer to her it sucks really


Have you mentioned it to her?

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