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how to overcome fears? :(

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my gf who i try and see as much as i can , i went to the cinema yesterday but before that we bumped in to claires first love now all the time they were they were talking about their sex lives of the past, i asked her if she likes him she said only as a friend now, how do i stop myself from being paranoid cos it won't help the realtionship


how can i make the relationship work more, i mean ive only being going out with for nearly a month, she thinks im too shy and need to express myslef more but how can i do this? :o

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I am really shy too. Especially when talking about my feelings. Whenever I need to tell my husband something that I find hard to say, i write him a long letter.

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First of all, I think she was being pretty disrespectful to you by talking about her past sex lives all the time. I don't know what she's hinting.. maybe to lure you to do the same thing *shrugs* or simply to get you jealous and see how you would react. However, I still think it's a bit too much.



My advice to you is to just be yourself, never pretend to be someone you're not. If you really love this girl, show it. It's okay to be shy, I am too.. well, sometimes ;) Anyways, what you can do is to get rid of your paranoia. You've been together for a short period of time, if I may say so. There are still plenty of time for you to spend together.



Show her that you care. I'm sure you have things that you are good at. Maybe you're good in writing, write her a poem.. maybe you have talent in painting, make her something.. or maybe you're a good cook, fix her something too. Basically, every little thing that you do should express how much you love and care for her. Trust me, we girls really love attentions, even for the smallest things ;)



Don't let the shyness beat you! You're better than that! Keep your chin up and look at yourself in the mirror and say "I can do this."



Take care and good luck!




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