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Another does she like me or not

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I think I already know and just need a kick up the bum but I am finding one of my friends really hard to read.


Some weeks ago a friend I used to work with started at my new place and we instantly picked up where we left off, I have known her for 5 years with a 2 year break in between various job moves.


During that time we maintained the odd email / chat and kept in contact.


I never asked her out back then when I was single as she was in a relationship however now she is single and I have only just come out of relationship in the past few weeks.


Since then I have started to think about her as more than a friend, I mean we get on really well, share jokes and have similar personalities, but what i cant get to is does she actually like me more than a friend or not.


What I do know is we always make good eye contact and I sometimes catch her looking over at me especially when she is joking with the girls, or at the bbq she was always looking over.

She always smiles at me when we talk and we make good eye contact so I thought what the hell I may be just out of a relationship but ill ask her if she wants to go out for a drink sometime.


But she blew me off and said she would be happy if we were friends or along those lines.

Ok a bit confused already considering she always wants to get my attention so I just said ok sorry I didnt want to make things awkward and carried on as normal.


It continues I am affraid... :) So a couple of days later I get a call at lunch from an agency saying another company want to talk to me, I drop her a mail as I didnt want to talk about this in the office and said hey I got a call about this company have you heard of them?

And she sends me a reply saying I dont think it's a good idea for you to be looking for a job as well as just coming out of a relationship and having to sort the kids out etc, dont do anything rash or silly...


I'm like err ok I didnt say I was leaving or looking just if you knew of them....


Anyway I then get a bug and im off for a couple of days and she suddenly starts texting me everyday saying are you ok? Even made an excuse for me to call in, text said please call me re: xxx project so I did and it was like oh yeah ive done this and this, plus this and well its all done thats it... how's you.... and then went on to chat for 5 minutes about other non work stuff!


I asked her what's going on and she said oh I thought you was going for interviews like she was worried I would be leaving (I mean we have both left jobs, she's left behind loads of friends to get something better, im pretty sure her recent date was an ex work colleague!!!)


So I am totally confused, signs were good, I ask her out she says just friends and then she starts getting all worried about me as if I am going elsewhere.


I know she went on a date the other week so I didnt think much more of it, is she playing mind games with me?


Yesterday I was spose to go to a work do, my ex gave me a torrent of abuse so it put me in a bad mood, before everyone went home she come over and made sure I knew where and what time and then text me a bit later saying you coming then!!!! I was like no sorry, thanks have a great time I will next time. and later sent her a messasge asking if she was having a good time But she didnt reply :/


I mean what gives, Of course I like her loads and get on really well with her but I'm not going to chase her if she is not interested.


BUt...... that said if she is not sure or thinks it's too soon for me, or something like she had this date with the other guy and wanted to see how that panned out I dunno but if it sounds like she does have some feelings I would really really reall really x1000 kick myself if I let her slip.


So far I have just decided to play it cool, I mean she knows the score, I'm not making an issue of it, I always felt it was a bit soon for me to date again but I knew a few people were interested in her and wanted to make my feelings known! Now I just don't get what is going on.


Thanks for the patience!

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What do you want out of it? Something serious or just fun? Maybe you two are not connecting a vibe level, especially if you have kids from your previous relationship.

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Hey thanks for the reply.

Most definately serious, the kind of girl you would want to get and keep forever!!


I would wager pretty much any man that met her would be hooked within a few minutes :)


Could be a vibe thing I mean I know she feels something she has to really to be making half the effort but weird how she just cuts off.


When we previously worked together if we were out having a drinkie at lunch or something she would be leaning into me, pointing her body right at me and staring I mean there has to be a level of connection I just dont get what's holding her back :(


Been on this planet long enough to tell most women but she really has me confused and it doesnt help by me liking her!

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