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I just started dating this girl, and I like her alot, but the very same day that we hooked up, I fell....and I mean hard. But it wasn't for her. It was for one of my chick friends. I know that my friend feels the same way about me that I feel about her, but I don't know what to do. Me and my girl just started going out and she seems to like me alot. And I do like her, but I am literally, madly in love with the other girl. Someone, anyone, everyone, HELP ME

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It's not too late to start going for the girl you really are crazy for. You aren't too far into the relationship with the new girl yet. But if you keep stringing her along while yearning for the other one, it isn't fair to her, to you, or even to the girl you are in love with.


So have some courage and explain things to the new girl before she starts falling for you and things get ugly and painful.

I just started dating this girl, and I like her alot, but the very same day that we hooked up, I fell....and I mean hard. But it wasn't for her. It was for one of my chick friends. I know that my friend feels the same way about me that I feel about her, but I don't know what to do. Me and my girl just started going out and she seems to like me alot. And I do like her, but I am literally, madly in love with the other girl. Someone, anyone, everyone, HELP ME
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Well Dawg, do the right thing...who do you want to be with? It sounds to me that this "friend" with whom you are in love with is the one you want to be with. Yeah the other girl likes you a lot, but still, it's better to cut it off now than later when you fall even harder for this friend. Still..find out from this friend if the feelings are mutal as you may be just a friend to her. Please tho. I would so want to be told if the guy I just started seeing had stronger feelings for another person. Especially if these feelings are leading you toward the "friend". Make a decision and go with it b/c if you don't you will end up hurting your "gf" and yourself..possibly the "friend" as well.

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