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Re: I should know the answer to this...

Tony T

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Hey, you need to move on. All of your feelings are perfectly normal. When you are away from someone you've been with for seven years and who you love, it's like part of you is taken away. Give yourself time...there is a healing process that must take place. Don't worry about things. Do what you want when you want.


The key to the answer you need was contained in your post. You wrote: "How can I possibly get rid of the pit in my stomach which tells me I need to be alone. Listen to that inner voice and follow it. There is a reason you have this feeling. You can never go wrong honoring your feelings.


You will survive and move on. It takes a lot more than love to keep a relationship going and you went with your gut...your feelings...which told you things weren't right for the time.

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Hey Starlight, you're doing okay. You're doing great, as a matter of fact. The changes in your feelings are merely reflecting changes in your life - - you've grown from where you were when you first fell in love with this man.


In relationships like these I'm not a fan of dropping the love like last year's shoes... he has apparently been good, kind, and understanding. I believe by asserting yourself to enjoy and experience things yourself, some of those growth experiences you're desiring, you might allow him to grow with you as well. It will hurt for awhile in this separation and if he is not a patient man, it may not work out for you in the end.


Just be honest with him of your desires and intentions. Give him the opportunity to stay in your life if that is what you really like and if he can accept the changes you are suggesting.


In the end, your honesty and kindness will help you find what is best in this love.


Best wishes,



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We have been broken up for about 4 mnths and I still am not ready to get back into the relationship, I think that 4 mnths apart is nothing compared to 7 years since highschool together. How should I go about this?



What about him?




Oh me-oh-my, how will my ex-boyfriend survive in the cold cruel world without me? What am I to do?


(And, can I keep him on hold just in case I decide to get back together.)




Do you really feel this way intentionally about it? No, I don't think so either.


But in effect, this is another way of looking at the situation, sans guilt perhaps.


If you feel this ambivalent, do you really think you'd be doing anybody any favors by getting back together?


It's over. Move on for both your sakes.

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