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Dumping her for sexual reasons... over-reacting?

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Yup, there are some guys here with some serious issues. OP, just dump her already so she can begin to recover and find someone better than your sorry butt! Selfish and damaged you are...all because she won't SWALLOW...laughable.

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Thanks for the compliment...




Its only rape if they press charges. What you dont know is women want their sexual boundaries destroyed. You are the dummy that listens to their words.


If Loveshack have your name and address you should be in a police cell for that comment.

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Yup, there are some guys here with some serious issues. OP, just dump her already so she can begin to recover and find someone better than your sorry butt! Selfish and damaged you are...all because she won't SWALLOW...laughable.


I find it incredible in this day and age there are guys like this walking the streets unattended.

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Hey SpinScratch,


just want to relate a little story from when I was 17. My first real girlfriend had gone down on me and appeared to have swallowed. She then came up with a big grin and kissed me, pushing a mouthful of my own fluids into my mouth.


I gagged and learned a valuable lesson that day about how disgusting that stuff tastes and that if I thought it was disgusting and unpleasant tasting then any lady friends I had would too.

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Anyways... I've taken everyone's posts into consideration. And I've also taken my past experiences into account. The three previous serious relationships I've had all ended the same way... my girlfriend leaving me for an exboyfriend that is more controlling, dominant, arrogant and cocky than I am. From my current posts you may not be able to tell but I am more of the gentle/attentive/affectionate types... and as time goes on, I am becoming to realize that this approach will not keep a woman with me. The more domineering ex always gets her ear and convinces her to comeback, and then months down the road I get the phonecall of her expressing regret and telling me I'm the best thing she ever had and she wants me back. Its the same thing every gf I have.... but not this time.


It might seem petty to some of you. But my girlfriend swallowing cum of other men shows me that she is willing to submit to them. And in turn, by her not doing the same for me, shows me that she is not willing to submit to me. In my mind, she will leave me for someone who she is willing to submit, someone "swallow-worthy". Unless I dump her first. ... call me crazy, but in my experience, this is my reality. I really do love the girl honestly, and as bad as it sounds. She's gonna swallow when I get home tomorrow or she's OUT.


You are crazy and you also have a terrible taste in women (no pun intended)

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I was eating very expensive goat cheese which is especially salty and also white:sick::sick::sick:



Thanks for ruining my experience with expensive food that I seldom normally purchase:mad:



I was just finishing the last mouthfulls when I read that post:(

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The darker side of PUA thinking.


The issue here is one of communication. She feels pressurised into talking about something she finds difficult to articulate (that, maybe, she doesn't even understand). He feels she doesn't respect him as much as her exes.


I agree with the viewpoint that it's likely she hadn't learnt to put her boundaries in place before him. She felt disrespected in the past, and doesn't want to feel that with the OP. This is not an easy intellectual process to work through, which may be why she hasn't been able to explain herself. She may (somewhere) hope she can do it for the OP, happily. His pressurising her will only wash that glimmer of optimism down the drain.


I don't think this couple are mature enough to sort this one out. There's a book I'd recommend for the OP (available online as a free pdf file if you Google it) written by the Mars/Venus guy. 'Mars and Venus In The Bedroom'. It's a bit old-fashioned in places but does a great job of explaining why seemingly irrelevant issues like this can become pivotal.


Really disturbing to see how the hardcore PUAs think that less communication = success. But, they'll learn.


Absolutely amazing post by Garfish. Shows how enormously helpful brave, honest advice can be. Sadly, I think it may have been too late for the OP and his poor GF. I think they'll both walked away from this feeling pretty bruised. Shame.

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Respect and domination are two different things..


as far a respect and wanting her/being nice.. you have to be, if you're an ********* you're not a man (IMHO). but Fawning over her and pretty much trying to force-feed her ( Pun very much intended) isn't going to work.. but then again, have you tried making airplane noises?!


personally, I don't give a rat's-bum what happens to my cum after it breaks the plane of my dickhead.. she could swallow, spit, use it as lotion, build paper-machet whatevers, or put it in a jar....just don't get it on the rug.

Edited by Hawaii50
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I read most of the thread but does the OP actually say how he require how he obtained the information about his ex ? Did she voluntarily say it in conversation, did he ask ? If she voluntarily said something then he has a right to be jealous and insecure, everyone has a right to their own feelings and emotions.

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thinking the name of this thread should be changed to "dumping her for dietary reasons"

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Look, if you're so hung up about the other guys - people make mistakes in the past. Learning to be honest about your boundaries and assert them isn't something that comes naturally to most people. YOU, OP, still have not learnt how to do so. You do no one any favours by continuing to give oral sex even though you absolutely HATE it.


Plenty of people will go through relationships in which they make mistakes and allow things to happen that they shouldn't. That doesn't mean they should go through the rest of their lives expecting to allow future partners to do all those things just because they made the mistake of allowing previous partners to do it. If your gf was in abusive relationships prior to you, are you going to say that she's disrespecting you because all those other men could hit her and she wouldn't do anything about it in the past, but she won't let you hit her now? :rolleyes: Obviously, swallowing semen isn't the same as being hit, but the principle of it is equivalent.


Just break up with her already.

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First off, I've read through most of the back and forths on this and the first red flag for me was not the fact that she wouldn't swallow his semen, it was the fact that she wouldn't tell him why. It would appear that there's an apparent lack of perhaps trust in the relationship that she wouldn't be able to at least discuss their situation and identify why she wouldn't do it. As for the "doing it for other guys but not me" I'm sure there's other things that the two of you could look forward to that she never did with any of her "other guys".

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Mme. Chaucer
Without us women would be celibate until ~35 before settling for a nice guy to procreate with.


How's that? I don't think you are leading an active sexual life … I mean, with anybody other than yourself!

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Mme. Chaucer

Okay, let's keep it simple.


YES, you should break up with her. Get a girlfriend who will swallow your semen, since it is clearly very important to you.


She needs to get a boyfriend with whom she can express herself sexually as she wishes without causing discord.


I would not be surprised if this girl, down the road, will be able to develop enough trust and comfort with a guy where she will be happy to do things to please him even if they aren't her cup of tea. On the road to that, though, she'll need to go through the part where she learns it's okay for her to NOT do something that she "hates" because she feels pressure to do it.


This is not happening between the two of you.

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having your nut gobbled = :):):):cool:



i sympathize with the op myself. in fact whether or not she had told him about doing it in the past.


women are swallowing cum all over the world at any given moment. it can't be that bad. if the tables were turned, i'd be doing it for her. if you really love and want to please someone just f*cking do that sort of sh*t ! how hard is it ? I'd be saying the same thing if it were a female poster saying her guy wouldn't go down on her, after revealing that he had for all his past women but "hates" doing it or it "tastes bad". Have her wash well ! or have him eat foods that are known to cut semen acidity ! But f*cking do it !

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Hey SpinScratch,


just want to relate a little story from when I was 17. My first real girlfriend had gone down on me and appeared to have swallowed. She then came up with a big grin and kissed me, pushing a mouthful of my own fluids into my mouth.


I gagged and learned a valuable lesson that day about how disgusting that stuff tastes and that if I thought it was disgusting and unpleasant tasting then any lady friends I had would too.

:laugh: Solution to everyone's problem. Snowballing!
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I would have done virtually anything (short of fecal type activity) with the one girl I've really loved if she'd asked for it... It's not submission to someone's "control", it's being adventurous enough to do what you know will make your partner happy, because you want to give them that pleasure.


and yes, in the long run, things won't go well with a girl who doesn't care about you enough to quell your insecurity (immature/trivial or not) by just swallowing that ****. it's not a sexist thing, it goes both ways. people in a deep, strong relationship should adore each other to the point something this simple should be a no-brainer (no pun intended).

Edited by RogerWallace111
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Mme. Chaucer

Well, guys. What happens to a lot of girls early in their sex lives is that they try to behave sexually the way they think their boyfriend wants them to, but it all has nothing to do with what THEY would enjoy.


The boys often either don't even care, or they are innocently clueless that they are supposed to be GIVING to her and paying a lot of attention to her as well as receiving.


This shows up in a lot of the threads and posts written by younger men here on LS. There is lots of talk about "banging" and "getting" sexual acts from women. Rarely a word about giving anything.


In theory, allowing her sexuality to be defined ONLY by trying to behave as she thinks her boyfriend would want is certainly the girl's own responsibility. She should have boundaries, and have the balls to make sure her own needs are getting met.


Unfortunately, in many cases she has no idea what her "own needs getting met" would even look like.


Anyway, even though she got herself into this situation, and I am not blaming the guys who took advantage of her willingness to do so, there are going to be some repercussions.


Things that would be fun, or sexy, or just "giving" to ones partner can tank on an aspect of being false or degrading if you have been doing them for years just because you feel it's expected - or, worse, if you fear that a guy won't like you if you don't.


This girl is probably in this phase; where she is finally learning how to take a stand for what she does or doesn't like sexually.


She might very well come through it much the better, and be a lot more fun of a sexual partner for it.


This relationship won't make it to that time, though. Too much damage already done.

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Immature or not, it's never a good idea to discuss what you did with past partners. That's why it's called THE PAST. It's nobody's business, and I'd even go so far as to say it's disrespectful to tell your partner such things. But he may have asked her; if so that's also disrespectful and downright foolish. He's lucky; it could have been something much worse for him- like an orgy. Imagine the OP dealing with that.





Actually let me give you all some more info... when it comes to sex we are BOTH very experienced and had many partners. Shes told me many things she's done, yes including an encounter with two men at once. When I asked her if she swallows 7 months ago she said "yes but I don't like it" then I half jokingly said well if you do it for others, then you can do it for me and she agreed... I am not jealous of any of her having so many men, or 3somes, and we have done things together that neither of us had done before. I am just left wondering why she will swallow for others and not for me..

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I am just left wondering why she will swallow for others and not for me..


I believe this is the crux of your entire problem: Lack of in depth and heart-felt communication. This whole issue is eating away at you to the point where you are considering ending the relationship.


Because you can't or won't openly discuss the WHYs and WHEREFOREs of a simple act of intimacy. I asked it several times before and the OP doesn't have an answer as to the WHY she won't do it.


Just hating it is one thing, but when she said she would and hasn't reveals further issues in the lack of communication with the psychology about why the OP wants it so badly is also missing in his communication with the OP if it gets down to fighting which I equate with poor communication.


Ultimately, the relationship won't last if there can't be open and honest talks about these issues.

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Mme. Chaucer

Your whole focus and emotional reaction about what she did with other men in the past, combined with your insistence that she should do something she HATES just because she managed it in the past and you want it say clearly, to me, anyway, that this girl needs to move on from YOU if you don't break up with her.


Y'all are not working well together.


Get your cum swallowed elsewhere, for crying out loud, and let her have a relationship with a guy who cares about her likes and dislikes sexually!

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Actually let me give you all some more info... when it comes to sex we are BOTH very experienced and had many partners. Shes told me many things she's done, yes including an encounter with two men at once. When I asked her if she swallows 7 months ago she said "yes but I don't like it" then I half jokingly said well if you do it for others, then you can do it for me and she agreed... I am not jealous of any of her having so many men, or 3somes, and we have done things together that neither of us had done before. I am just left wondering why she will swallow for others and not for me..


Are you for serious ? I mean surely this is a wind up. On the scale of reasons to split up it does not even register a 1 out of 100. If your relationship is so pathetic and weak that it cannot withstand this what happens when something SERIOUS happens ? Your " relationship " is a complete and utter farce. I am actually quite angry as your insistance to want to sexually abuse her, as this is what it boils down to is frankly a complete disgrace. Who gives a toss what she did before you ? The fact is she does not like it. Get over yourself and show her some respect. You actually make me quite ashamed to be from the male species.

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Actually let me give you all some more info... when it comes to sex we are BOTH very experienced and had many partners. Shes told me many things she's done, yes including an encounter with two men at once. When I asked her if she swallows 7 months ago she said "yes but I don't like it" then I half jokingly said well if you do it for others, then you can do it for me and she agreed... I am not jealous of any of her having so many men, or 3somes, and we have done things together that neither of us had done before. I am just left wondering why she will swallow for others and not for me..


Also I reckon you need to make an appointment at an std clinic as well.

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