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Should I trust him or move on and find someone else

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I'm totally dazed and confused and hurt so much! I can't believe this relationship! I've been in it 3 years now and just feel like ending it, I can;'t trust him!


About 1.5 years we had a fall out and I kinda said I'm not happy about how he's keeping his life secret from me, so I finish it.


Then we got back together, but cos i was still suspect I went through his phone text messages! I found he was arranging for a female friend to come and stay with him! She was sending him texts like "I love you mate xxxxxx" it made me SICK! He insists that he was just inviting her over for "company" cos of the pain of our breakup, and didn't realise she was flirting with him. He also said she's always like that and is after him but that I should believe him that she's just a good friend and that the reason they are such good friends is because he helped her get through his best friend dying a few years ago! I still don't believe it to this day.


Now I have always been suspect of him, I don't like the way he chats to other girls and he seems quite flirty.


The worst thing now has just happened and I just feel like giving up, why does this always happen to me?


Few days ago I went on Facebook and searched under him (I'm not friends with him on facebook because I can't take it the way he's adding female friends I don't know)... anyway, I saw his EX was commenting on his cover photo!


We had an argument about that, and then I went through his computer and found that the other day he said this to ANOTHER Ex girlfriend...



9 June

MY BF: that music reminds me of u, i love you isa, you're one beautiful person, i hope you're well and hope i meet you again someday, what u upto? xx


A day later;

His EX from 5 years ago: Hey you Thank you, love you too Lukebwoi Im working and living hehe Of course we´ll meet again I´ll come to London or something. What r u up to? still working at the Metropolitan? hugs and kisses


If that doesn't look like an affair I don't what does. She lives in Norway tho and him in London. His excuse was that "she was a bit down in the dumps over a death in the family and needed some cheering up..." yeh, right!


then I also find in his inbox an email from another girl who wanted a date with him round about the time he met me (about 4 years ago). He's never met her tho (apparently a student at the college he was working at before he started working there) but it looks like he was trying to set up a date with her saying "We must meet soon etc." She even emailed him and asked if he wanted to move in with her after our relationship was going through a bad time... so it looks like he was planning to cheat on me.


He says he only wanted to meet her due to some college/work interest and she has been wanting to meet up for ages to record a band or something. And that nothing is going on, she knows all about me and him (and that he's unavailable) and he just wanted to be friends with her...


He said he'll delete his Facebook page if that helps and not have any contact with any of his Ex's if it helps our relationship?


It all doesn't make sense, cos he's constantly defending my accusations of cheating cos of what I found like above, I just don't trust him. He's just like the last BF I was with, who cheated on me for 2 years with another woman!


Should I dump this man or believe his excuses? We've been together 3 years and have a wonderful time together and he tells me he loves me, will do anything for me, and I don't think he has ACTUALLY cheated its just I can't cope with this! I want a family and time is running out for me if I don;t meet the right guy soon I'll be too late to have kids!

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You would actually consider this man as suitable to be the father of your children?

Have you any idea how emotional women get when they're pregnant?


you want to wonder if he's being faithful while you're sitting there, huge with his kid....?


i can't be bothered to paint another picture for you -


Honey, really - cut it loose and move on....

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